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DR. RICHARD T. T. FORMAN LECTURE 02-11-02/10:30 am CT Confirmation #101835

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January 23, 2002

10:30 am CT

Dr. Forman: Thank you very much Katie and distinguished residents. It’s a great honor to

be here. I want to start with two or three anecdotes or comments at the

beginning before I launch in.

The first is, I grew up in your neighbor state of Georgia and though I don’t

sound that way. This morning I got up in the snow and it was dark, I

crunched out in the snow and fed the birds in my backyard and then came

down here.

I spent a year in graduate study in the Research Triangle Area before it was

called the Research Triangle Area at another distinguished university that has

devils in the name. I came to love North Carolina. I explored literally many

parts of it.

Then I also wanted to mention that I just saw Professor Arthur Cooper whom I

was just delighted to see. I haven’t seen him in a number of years. He is a

very distinguished ecologist here at NC State.

What I would like to share with you today are some thoughts about road

ecology in the following way. We have spread an enormous net over the land,

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North America - almost 5 million miles of public roads. A quarter of a billion

vehicles use that net.

Most of the net was put out before its day, before the rise of modern ecology.

It’s an engineering marvel. It’s an economic success story. It has provided

unprecedented human mobility. It has stretched the boundary of social

interactions, greatly facilitated the movement of goods across the country. In

effect, it’s at the core of today’s society and economy.

This network, these roads are superimposed on mountains and valleys, rivers,

plains, they team with natural flows, that is ground water, surface water flow

across that land. Wind carries seeds and spores and soil. Wildlife forage, and

then they disburse. Sometimes they migrate and fish do also. In effect,

nature’s never-ending flows, horizontal flows and movements across the land

mold the land mosaic and produce the patterns to provide diversity.

These two giants, the net and the land, are in an uneasy embrace. The road

system ties the land together for us. It divides nature into pieces. And therein

lies the opportunity for us.

Nature is degrading roads; roads are degrading nature. Both of these factors

are costly to society and have maintenance costs. These are increasingly

receiving public attention and this translates into the need for political action.

Meanwhile traffic is increasing and the curves, as many of you know, are

increasing at a greater rate than almost all the other statistics you can name.

So there’s a greater call for new knowledge and skills.

Just in time, the science of road ecology perhaps is meshing, is jelling, bulging

with useful applications. Its roots are in vegetation, stream ecology, wildlife

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ecology, chemistry, hydrology and more. Yet the new catalysts are

intelligible, the new kid on the block, that helps to bring this together as

landscape ecology.

I’d like to start with the first image to show you a little about how and where I

fit into all of this or don’t fit in, in some ways. This is a book that came out in

1997. There was a National Research Council project I was involved in with

a lot of very bright engineers, economists, policymakers and atmospheric


If you could blot out that highway there for a moment, that’s tough to do, but

if you could blot that highway out, what you would see out there is what I

have been seeing for the last 20 years and what I’ve been describing and what

I’ve been analyzing. The landscape - a large area heterogeneous, lots of

flows, patterns there, changes over time as if you turned a kaleidoscope.

Now, add the highway, which is there, and landscape ecologists really didn’t

even notice the road system. Even though in most landscapes it’s the most

prominent feature out there, one of the most prominent features in most

landscapes. And yet, we didn’t study it. It’s the least ecologically known

feature. Now that in itself is a challenge, for scientists like me, that’s a


So I spent 20 years or so studying that landscape as an object and

understanding - analyzing it just as if it were a human body or a cell, that has

an anatomy, a structure in which things flow through it, it works, it has a

functioning and it changes over time.

So this illustrates one of the applications of that in a very primitive sort of way

and this is - these are illustrations of some of what we call the “spatial

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solution,” or what I call the spatial solution. What it in a sense it says is if you

have such large area and you don’t know much about it, don’t spend all your

life or don’t wait until you know every animal and every plant and every piece

of soil and every clean water.

There are some principles, some spatial principles that make sense

everywhere, or at least that becomes the norm model that you have to justify

that don’t work and these are simple ones here. A few large patches of natural

vegetation, those are what those big green blobs are.

A second one is greenery along major streams. Now I call these

indispensables, and that’s a very strong word in the English language because

it means they’re indispensable, it means there’s no known technical or feasible

alternative to providing the ecological benefits that a few large green blobs

will provide or that greenery along vegetation.

Art Cooper could name 20 ecological values of vegetation along streams. The

bulk of them can’t be provided any other way - benefits to society and benefits

to nature - except by having vegetation along there. A third one there is

connectivity among the large green blobs. A fourth one is bits of nature

scattered around the less hospitable matrix. There are probably a few others.

These are just basic spatial solutions that should be present in any landscape.

Here is a more, perhaps a stronger one, this says given that they’re different

land uses, how do you fit them together optimally - ecologically, optimally?

How would you fit in this case nature and pastureland and the build

environment that what NP&B mean there? So what this suggests this model

the aggregate without (unintelligible) model suggests that you aggregate large

blocks of nature there - large green areas. Then you have big blocks of

pastureland, and you have big blocks of built areas there.

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Second thing it does is it says take little pieces of nature, the little Ns there

and spread them around over the big Bs and big Ps - over the developed areas

of humanity.

The third thing it says is for the small Bs and Ps, the individual houses and

suburbs and towns and villages, concentrate them along the major boundaries,

between the major types there. So you’ll follow most of the small Bs and Ps

are along the major boundaries.

There’s one other thing it says there. It’s the idea to provide for hermits. The

farther you get from a big B, the big built area, city or town, the farther you

get from it the greater distance between the little Bs. So actually there’s a

hermit house, let’s see if I can find it there, well anyway, way down here in

the middle of that pasture, way down at the bottom, it’s the most isolated

place on there, and so you’re saying, the farther you get. So we visualize this

as an ecologically optimum way to arrange different land uses.

Let’s put some roads in the system and I’d like to see how many people know

this book? Raise your hand if you know this book. All right. So, this is the

“Green Book.”

I didn’t know about this book until six years ago. But the Green Book is

absolutely fundamental to the design of roads and everything having to do

with roads. A new edition there. I’d never seen it and I see many of us in the

room have never seen it before. I mean, it is an absolutely critical - every cul-

de-sac and every housing development follows that Green Book, almost.

Although you’re allowed to deviate - as I understand it, you’re allowed to

deviate from it if you can justify now that you have something better.

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I put down there in the lower right, “What’s VMT?” I could ask the same

question, but I won’t. Six years ago I had never heard the word “VMT.” And

VMT means “vehicle miles traveled” and it’s absolutely central to

transportation planning. It’s the most common phrase among transportation

planners in my experience. VMT. It’s very important. In fact one of the

panelists I think is going to talk about that, probably.

So my point here is that we ecologists and people outside the transportation

field are faced with things that mean nothing to us. We have to learn. We

have to be open to learn. If we are open to learn, there’s a lot there and maybe

we can begin to communicate. So, taking that step is very important.

This, if you look on the horizontal axis here is road density. If you look on

the right side, you’ll see Japan over there. Japan, of the various countries I’ve

put up there, has the highest road density and you’ll notice that Canada, New

Mexico and the United States have the lowest road density over on the left

side of this for the countries I’ve put there.

The second thing that you see- if you look at the numbers in parentheses,

that’s the actual kilometers, those are the actual kilometers, lengths in those

countries. So you’ll see the United States has about six times as many, as

long or more miles of road or kilometers of road than Japan and Canada,

which are the other countries there.

The third thing on this map or this diagram, is if you look on the vertical axis

here, the total road length relative to population, relative to you or me or all of

us there, you’ll notice that Canada has the greatest road length, although the

United States is close to it, per person. Mexico is at the bottom. Very few

roads per person, although I think there are probably some questions of what

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is a road in Mexico for these data, and so there - and these other countries are

sort of in between there.

Now those are the kinds of numbers and statistics that are very common in the

transportation field. Those are the kinds of things that we ecologists almost

never deal with, sometimes, but not often.

So that’s sort of setting then this, you know the road system is tying the land

together for us and it’s subdividing nature into pieces. Now this is where I’m

going. I’d like to spend some time on wildlife. I’d like to spend some time on

water and vegetation and I’d like to broaden the perspective in this


Under wildlife you will notice that we have effects on populations and then

I’ll talk about public disturbance, noise.

Now, when I first began working six-seven years ago with transportation

folks, they were really worried about me. It was on a National Research

Council thing. Real worried because they were worried that I was going to

focus on road kills.

And that’s the public - that’s what the public sees and that’s what some of the

transportation folks were worried about that I would see. And I say I saw it

but I said there are many more interesting and important things than that and

universally they were really relieved that I wasn’t going to push road kill.

So this is an attempt to give some perspective on that. Sometimes they get

this point - if you look on the left side there, you have the population, a

population going along with some variability and doing fairly well, it’s a large

population, low extinction probability. Then you put - we put in a road and

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the obvious thing is that you remove some habitat, that’s what habitat loss is -

not very interesting conceptually; it is important to the animals, however.

The second item is reduced habitat quality. Now the thing we mostly focus on

there is the edge effect next to a road, the microclimate gets in and drives out

the edge and there’s studies on that various places. What I’m going to show

you in a minute is that there are many more things, including traffic

disturbance, traffic. So there’s a road part of that and there’s a traffic part of


The third aspect of decreasing a population size is road kill, or I like mortality.

I’m going to say almost nothing about that. I’ll show you one image on that.

The fourth aspect of decreasing this population is the barrier effect, reducing

the connectivity that I started out with that animals and species move across

the landscape. There are good ecologists that argue that animals must move,

that’s controversial but that’s a possibility.

Finally, you’re left with the small populations with a higher probability of

local extinctions; that is disappearing locally. So that’s the overall picture

here and I just want to emphasize that in decreasing population sizes of

animals, there are four processes going on, or one can boil them down to four

major processes. All of which are important.

I’m going to show you one image right now on road kills and then I’m going

to focus the rest of the time on the second one there, reduced habitat quality in

the area of - I think that’s what I’m doing.

This nice handwritten thing illustrates that this is a progress - this book is in

progress and my thinking is in progress. Look at the horizontal axis at the

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bottom. Those are a whole series of mitigations that are done by various

states that mitigate - minimize environmental damage and in this case it’s for

deer-vehicle collisions. That’s the issue. So the horizontal axis you have ten

or a dozen ways that we try to decrease deer-vehicle collisions.

Then on the right side of that graph are the ones that focus on modifying

human behavior and on the left side are ones that focus on modifying deer

behavior. So you see you can focus on either trying to change the way we

work or the way the animals work.

You’ll notice then the curve of the dash line on the right shows that in a

survey of 43 states done by (Rowman & Bissinette) a few years ago, the states

reported that a lot of these mitigations on the right side are done. That’s what

that peak in the dotted line shows and on the left side is the success rate,

perceived success rate, I should say. That is their feeling that they were

successful and you will notice that the high successes, perceived successes,

are on the left side where they aren’t done or very few of them are done.

So there’s a big disconnect between what we’re doing and what seems to be

successful there. The numbers at the bottom of the graph are the numbers of

states reporting research programs that they have done research, at least one

research project, on each of those mitigations. You’ll notice that most of the

research has been done on the right side and while they’re little has been done

on the left side there.

So I put that up as an illustration of the disconnect between what we do and

what seems to be successful, but also an opportunity for some bright people in

this room to change that.

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A little bit of the issue of the barrier effect, the fourth part of that population

decrease. This is in Florida. That’s a standard 25-foot wide and 8-foot wide

box culvert, a chunk of concrete. It’s dropped into place.

The costs and the methodology are all worked out. This is on Route 29, north

of the Everglades and in that particular one I’ve seen the Florida panther

tracks going through there.

They are still building these. They know exactly how to do them and where to

put them and so forth. Some fencing goes with them. Florida is flat so they

have to build up the road a little bit. They’re done for black bears and Florida

panthers. They have worked, up to a point.

That’s a superimposed image there of a Florida panther and an alligator going

through. This is in the ones along I-75 near the Everglades. This was done

several years ago - a couple of dozen - more than two dozen of these were

done down there for two objectives.

One was to reconnect water flows into the Everglades that were blocked by

this east-west highway, and the second was for this endangered Florida

panther, which there are maybe only 50 left in the world, perhaps. It was

successful on both counts, according to the people involved.

That is what it did bring, indeed, a lot of these - it did bring a lot more surface

water down in the Everglades and indeed they cut the population death rate

from about five per year down to about 1-1/2 per year, although I understand

last year there were quite a few killed down there by automobiles or by

vehicles. So more or less it was successful or a whole series of very

expensive projects - a lot of Federal and State money.

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However, one of the interesting things is they accomplished something else;

the whole fauna went through these things, including the alligators. I mean -

and just every animal, and so they didn’t anticipate that and so it almost was

like a landscape connection, these various things.

Here is another underpass - these are underpasses I’m showing you right now.

This is in Banff National Park, the Trans-Canada Highway is going up there -

a four-lane highway, 20,000 vehicles a day, I believe, in summer. I calculate

that it is roughly 100 feet wide and maybe 15-20 feet high and they have a

whole lot of different designs of underpasses up in Banff National Park.

As some of you know, the Canadian Rockies have all kinds of animals, big

animals, tough animals, and of the various designs, this is the best. This is the

most successful. Grizzly bears go charging through there. Elk go through

there. Deer go through there. Black bears go through there. Wolves go

through there. Cougars go through there. That design is very successful.

Now notice in the previous one what you could see as you look through it as if

you were a deer or some animal or bear or something trying to go through

there, you can see the far side, but you can see much. Look at how at the eye

level there you can see much more widely. This is a more expensive

structure, but it’s a very successful structure for a wide range of animals.

The only animal they aren’t getting going through there in significant numbers

they were expecting is a Moose. Moose don’t seem to be using any of them,


Now, let’s go up above the highway - this is again Banff National Park - and

have you every seen an overpass, a green bridge, vegetation going across it?

That’s going across that Trans-Canada Highway. There are two of those up

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there. There are five in the Netherlands. There are two in New Jersey.

There’s one in southwestern Utah. There are only three in the United States.

I’ve heard there’s one in British Columbia - I don’t know that. There are lots

of them in Germany. In fact, there are a dozen under construction. They’re

huge ones.

Switzerland there has been - I know two of them, one of them is 200 meters

long or wide and one of them is 140 - a big thing. Now, that was - those two

things are barrel vaults. It’s based on the European model, as I understand it,

by law in the European countries it has to be strong in order that a row of

NATO tanks can go across it. Now we don’t have that problem in this

country, fortunately.

So this is based on the European model so it’s really massive. There’s a meter

or more of soil at the narrowest place there - at the top, and they plant trees

and what-have-you there. Animals love it. All the big animals go across that.

However, there’s an interesting message about this and that probably applies

widely. People say, well, you know, some animals aren’t going to use it.

There was a learning curve.

The first female Grizzly didn’t use it until the fourth year, possibly the fifth

year; at least the fourth year. Wolves didn’t use it in any numbers until the

fourth year. So they learned to use it. So a lot of our projects where we build

something and then we test them for a year or so are missing the learning

curve of the animals. That is an important point.

The second thing I want to say about that is that those structures were prefab.

They were carted there on trucks. They were assembled on the side and they

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were dropped into place and it took about a day and a half to drop them both

into place. Traffic wasn’t discombobulated for more than a short period there.

So technologically it’s very feasible and I mention the massiveness of these

things. I would hope that we could come to some good civil engineers and

ecologists and they would sit down together and come up with some designs

where they aren’t so massive and expensive. That’s a tractable thing I would


Here is one. This is the first one built in the Netherlands. Here we are up on

the structure looking across and you will notice it’s hourglass-shaped. It’s

really a pretty curve.

Now, this actually is too narrow. In the middle it’s only 15 meters wide.

Videotape has shown that animals like the deer and others come up to the

middle and they have fright. It’s too narrow. The Dutch have done the most

research on this. They’ve just finished one like this except its 30 meters wide

in the center and 80 meters wide on the two sides.

Notice that there’s a really interesting visual aspect. If you’re an animal way

over on one side, you can look diagonally across and you can see your target

vegetation. Similarly, an animal over there can look diagonally across. So

these hourglass things have a lot of animal behavior advantages to them.

The Germans don’t necessarily make it a perfect curve, but they make it

straight lines and then that way. Notice the pond in the front to help attract

the animals. The rain that falls on these things has piping - gravel and piping

system that just pipes the water to these ponds and they believe small

mammals and large mammals love that.

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Now let me shift to the other aspect of wildlife and this has to do with the

traffic - traffic disturbance. This is the Dutch work again - a group - a whole

series of publications there - bird density, these are songbirds in the woods in

the forest.

Songbird density is a function of distance from motorways or highways with

50-60 thousand vehicles per day. Now that’s like a busy interstate highway

outside of a city, roughly, I mean to give you a scale there. So it’s very

common to what we have in our country, and what you will notice is that the

birds there - the curve on the left for all species indicates that a few hundred

meters out from the edge of the highway, bird density is affected by traffic


For the most sensitive species, this is in woods mind you, going through

forest, the most sensitive species for several hundred meters out. The

measured decibel levels, the measured noise levels of those points are sort of

35 to 45, 36 to 43 decibels there, kind of like a quiet reading room in a library,

for example there.

So, those kinds of data made you stand back and think, “That’s a long distance

to be decreasing birds.” In fact, bird density decreases by one-third, 30-33%,

in that first few hundred meters and bird diversity also decreases by one-third.

So both diversity and density are dropping for a long distance out.

So we got interested in that and we said let’s try that out a little bit and so here

we are in Massachusetts. Some of you who have been west of Massachusetts

there’s a ring road, Interstate 95 or Route 128, that’s over there on your right.

Ardery Road, Route 2 going west from Boston like for 25 kilometers and it

comes to another ring road, Interstate 495 out there.

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So what we did was we mapped the roads and that whole landscape that you

can see there roughly within about ten kilometers on each side of that

highway, and we mapped them by traffic volume.

Now ecologists don’t know what traffic - don’t think about traffic volume

numbers. So if I said 10,000 or 5,000, most of us wouldn’t have the foggiest

notion what you mean by that. So I’ll show you in a moment. But I’ve

mapped this according to traffic volume. We mapped then all of the openings

suitable for grassland birds in that landscape, and there are 84 of them there.

The black dots where they’re absent and the Ms and Ds where meadowlarks

and bobolinks are present.

The next one, this is for the scientists, I’m sorry, I’ll put this up for 30 seconds

here, or less. We did a logistic regression analysis trying to figure out whether

traffic volume and distance from road is important relative to the size of the

clearing, how far the clearing is from the next clearing and what the adjacent

habitat to each clearing was, whether it was a built area or forest.

To summarize here, on the left side there, in that area there, you’ll see the

distance here is the traffic volume varies here - distance for road is significant,

that’s what those double asterisks mean - highly significant, for certain traffic

volumes. Area of the open patch is significant - but that’s - ecologically we

all know that. The percent adjacent built area, that is what’s around these

clearings was not significant, (unintelligible) birds present, and the distance to

the nearest other opening was not significant.

So what we found out basically was that traffic - that the highway and traffic

was significant. Here’s the same thing on the right for regularly breeding

animals, rather the left is for the presence of the grassland birds and they’re

more or less the same there. I’ll show you the difference in a moment.

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Now this is getting more interesting. Here we’ve done on the left side here,

you read that axis there, the horizontal axis is traffic - I’m sorry, the horizontal

side is distance from a road. In this case it’s a local road - a local collector

street in my landscape - in our landscape and it has 3,000 to 8,000 vehicles per

day on it. That’s not too many.

The vertical axis is the size of the clearings and in this case the circles

represent regular breeding animals. You’ll notice that all the circles are above

this horizontal line - that horizontal line is about seven hectares, that’s 18

acres. In other words, the birds didn’t breed regularly in any woods - any

cleaning less than 18 acres.

The triangles represent the presence of birds. The circles represent their

regular breeding. So what you’ll see is that in fact the triangles get really

close up to the highway and there’s no real effect of the local collector road on

the presence or the breeding of birds. So at that traffic volume, we found no


Now look at the right side of this. This is for a through street with 8,000 to

15,000 vehicles per day. Transportation people can relate exactly to that

number. The rest of us maybe can relate to a through street, although not too

well, not too rigorously. And again, the circles, now this is regular breeding

animals only above 18 acres so we won’t talk about that anymore, but notice

the difference this time. There’s no circles - all the circles are a few hundred

meters to the right of the highway.

In other words, none of the animals are breeding regularly within a few

hundred meters of the highway with a traffic volume of 8,000 to 15,000

vehicles per day, for a commuter day, that’s a 24-hour commuter day.

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Triangles, however, are to the left of that, so apparently that traffic volume

isn’t affecting the presence of the grassland birds. So that through street, the

presence of birds isn’t affected, but the breeding of birds certainly is affected.

On the left side, we’ve got a bigger road. This is a two-lane highway in our

landscape with 15,000 to 30,000 vehicles per day. Two-lane highway. Notice

again the breeding birds, the circles are farther to the right - in this case,

several hundred meters. In this case, the triangles also - not many triangles

there - but apparently there’s an equal effect on the presence of birds.

So for the two-lane highway, it looks like, you know, 700 meters or several

hundred meters from a highway, both breeding and presence of in this case,

grassland birds are significantly affected and if you look at the right-hand side

by the final one, here’s a two-to-four-lane highway with 30 to 170 thousand

vehicles per day, show some big, busy highways, there are three of them.

Here you’ll notice the circles are all to the right a kilometer or more. So that

near these busy highways, the big highways, the multi-lane highways, four-

lane to eight-lane highways, there’s no regular breeding taking place within

about 1200 meters - within several hundred meters, the same thing for

triangles. There are hardly any triangles to the left of that distance.

Now that’s a long distance. But what it says is, if you’re interested in

songbirds, you’re designing for nature reserves, for example, you’re spending

money for a nature reserve, don’t put them near busy highways. And don’t

put them very close at all or don’t put the highways near the nature reserves.

Now let’s go a little more quickly to vegetation and water, this is something

familiar to all transportation folks. Water flows downhill and that we put

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ditches in here to catch and that on slopes like this that natural flows in and

flow out in a cut bank, you know, the cut bank on the upslope, water oozes out

there. It oozes out and it goes down into the ditch and on the upside goes

down through a culvert and down toward a stream.

Well now what does that do? Well it does a number of interesting things

relative to the stream. One thing it does is it takes ground water, turns it into

surface water, and heats it up. So the water going into the stream is warmer.

Now cold water fish like trout and salmon don’t like that so much.

Another thing it does is that when it comes out of the culvert it may form a

channel and erode some material down to the stream and flatten out the stream

bottom, it may not, it may. Another thing it may carry nutrients down into the

stream and the various consequences there.

So that really innocuous looking or sometimes very attractive looking road cut

- think of the ground water flowing and what happens to the ground layer

when it hits that. It comes down, goes through the ditch, goes into the culvert

and has various effects down there.

This is standard storm water pollutant components. Not the kind of thing you

talk about over dinner maybe, but that’s what happens. Ohio Administration -

those are the kinds of things that come out of the water that run off of streets

and highways. So you think about “Where does that go?”

The take home message is twofold. One is these various heavy metals and

other things come from both road and roadside sources and vehicular sources.

The second thing that’s interesting to me at least is, that there are quite a few

of them coming from each of these. That is, if you want to look for a magic

bullet to solve ground water pollutions from storm water, there isn’t one.

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There isn’t one. It’s going to take an action at a whole range, at least from the

source control point of view, take an action on a whole range of activities


Oh, I wanted to say one other thing about that. The bulk of those pollutants or

pollutant constituents, their ecological effects are only measurable for meters

to tens of meters out from the highway. In other words, those aren’t things,

there are some exceptions, but by and large, those chemicals aren’t things that

are affecting long distances like that traffic noise or traffic disturbance effect.

I just want to say on the traffic noise and traffic disturbance, no one has

proved that - proven that it is traffic noise, but the Dutch work, which is the

best on this, pretty much eliminates the alternative hypothesizes, so it’s most-

likely it is.

Okay. Now, look at this. This is interesting. The horizontal axis’s hard

surface. Isn’t that a great axis? Hard surface or impermeable surface,

impermeable is a little bit strong for me. In percent >from zero to 100. And

on the left side you have natural ecosystems - no hard surfaces, no roads, no

buildings for example.

Then you have quarter acre housing or it’s about 20% you can see there. You

could have in that area you have quarter, I’m sorry, one acre and a half acre

and a quarter acre and on up to industry and commercial areas. You can see

those, those are average figures of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Now look at the water flow coming in. Rain comes in equally over all of

those; let’s assume 100% precipitation.

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Then if you look at those arrows pointing vertically, that’s evaporative

transpiration. That’s the evaporation of water vertically. You’ll notice it

doesn’t change too much along that hard surface grade. It decreases about by

a quarter there, from 40% to 30%.

But look at the horizontal arrow going to the right. That’s runoff, surface

runoff of water. It’s five times as much. Then look - so much more surface

runoff. Look at the shallow infiltration. That decreases a lot. And then look

at the deep infiltration. Those numbers there decrease enormously there.

So then ask yourself, “What’s the effect on the streams in the landscape?”

That’s what the articles, and various articles in the Journal of American

Planning Association and elsewhere, conclude that in the zero to 10% hard

surface zone the streams are in good shape, relatively speaking, and then in

the 10 to 25 they’re impacted, to the right they’re degraded. So that’s putting

the hydrology, the water flows in with the housing and so on, but using hard

surface as your common communication tool or element.

The native and exotic species going from a road shoulder out to the outer

roadside, if you look at this - the curve going steeply upward - that’s native

species diversity and not surprisingly with a road shoulder going outward

increases a lot. Look at the top curve. Those are the non-native species,

exotic species. About constant and at a high level for all four of those


Then look at the bottom where you have rare, non-native, the rare exotics.

What that says, there aren’t so many, about one-fifth of the total exotics are

rare. That’s interesting. About a fifth of the total number of exotics are rare,

that is, only one or two or individuals. And then look at rare natives, more

out, not surprisingly.

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But those are the things that in state after state we should be looking for.

Those are the rare species in our roadsides. We should be doing something

about that. And that few states perhaps are, many states aren’t, most states


Here’s something - this is a man who went out to a car wash and for three

months he collected the water coming out of the car wash. He filtered out all

seeds and he put all the seeds on a soil and grew all the plants that came up.

This is what he found out.

He found out that the plants from the city and the surrounding cropland - most

of the plants were from the city and the surrounding cropland. He found some

plants also from the native community, the wooded communities there, both

herbaceous plants and woody plants.

But this is really the one - these are the plants that came from afar. That is

they weren’t known in that urban region and therefore came from somewhere

else. Those are transported by the cars and cleaned of by the wash. There are

over 20 species there, not many seedlings, but over 20 species in this three-

month period were brought in by the cars at this one car wash from other


Let me add a comment there. There’s a lot of talk about transportation and

exotic species, a lot of finger pointing. Our federal highway has a wonderful

book on native and exotic plants, what you can plant in North Carolina and

what you can’t, what you should, shouldn’t, and so forth and what’s there. I

should say that there’s not a lot of evidence that - of exotic plants actually

going from roadsides into nature reserves or from roads - and invading nature

reserves, or invading from roadsides to ranchland or pastureland or going

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from roadsides into cropland. It must happen. I can’t find the literature for it.

And so, some research needs to be done there.

This is a question of roadsides and esthetic quality. What’s the ecology of

esthetic quality? Big subject. There is one study in southern New England, a

rather extensive study, interviewing a whole lot of people and given a whole

lot of photographs and ranking them and so forth. What the people did, they

came out with that these were the top three, the best average preference

quality, water, agriculture and these are the worst three, farm and


Now, what I’ve done over here is to add sort of the ecologist typical overall

ecological quality that where the best, ecologically best has three stars and the

worst has one star. The take-home message is they don’t correlate. Visual

quality and ecological quality aren’t correlating at least in the simple-minded

kind of analysis here. So what do you do?

So what you can do then is to find ones that have fairly high levels of both and

simply focus on them, and there are some there. Let’s go to the next one.

That’s an unfair oversimplification of a big complicated subject, but I want to

keep going here.

Now, let me spend my last 10 minutes, do I have about 10 minutes Katie, on

some broader perspectives.

The first thing I want to do, I want to get the landscaping ecologists and the

engineers talking. So the rare effect zone is focused in that direction.

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The second is to take the network and how it’s linked with the land. So we’ve

been talking mostly about individual roads and animals and what-have-you.

Then the third thing, I’ll mention the book.

Here we are back in Massachusetts. Same place. This is a - well what we did

was we went along that same highway, and it shows you some aspects of the

birds - is 25 kilometers from here to here, four-lane highway, roughly 50,000

vehicles per day along here.

We measured a whole lot - we estimated a whole lot of things, like

intermittent channel was straightened for the highway, intermittent channel

affected by salt, wetland drainage, stream channel and so forth. Roadside

exotic invading forest and those are all mapped along there. Then we also

have the dash lines indicating - this was actually earlier data so the dash lines

would be wider now, but when we had - the data we had when we did this a

couple or two or three years ago, that represents the traffic - the perceived

estimated traffic noise effect zone.

So when we go to zone there, factors which you are extending outward from

the highway more than 100 meters, so a football field, extending outward

more than the distance of a football field.

That then lead us to this idea of road effect zone and it works like this.

There’s a road and on the right side there are a whole series of ecologically

related factors. And in this particular image, a little bit old, each one of those

is related to one or a number of specific studies, so those are real.

How far out from the road does that effect extend? That’s what the arrows to

the right are. It’s the distance out in those particular studies. You can see

some are wide; some are narrow.

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We said well there are some processes operating to change the width of those.

And one of them was gravity and water flow and so I’ve got upslope and

down slope there. And upslope and down slope, are the water and water carry

transported items. You can see them on the right there. The arrows are much

further to the right than they are to the left. So there’s an asymmetry there.

The middle ones are the items like dust and some air pollutants that are carried

by wind. And again, some are more to the right than the left. The bottom one

has to do with the suitability of surrounding habitat. When you go out for a

hike and you stop by the road, you either go to the right or you go to the left.

You usually go according to well it looks more interesting over here, or more

birds, or whatever.

So the suitability of the habitat depends - determines a bunch of things that go

out that way, wildlife and other things. What we’re left with is a zone. What

we call a road-effect zone. It’s the zone in which ecological effects go out.

Its how far are a statistically significant effect can be measured. What the

zone is, it’s very uneven, it’s asymmetrical, highly convoluted boundary and

there are actually a few fingers. The Ps represent the points where you cross a

corridor like a stream or hedgerow or something like that where these fingers

where the effects extend much further.

Landscape ecologists and watershed biologists and conservation biologists

and others that take these real broad views and say, “You’ve got to consider

the whole landscape.” The highway engineer that does a real careful,

meticulous, elegant job in a narrow zone next to the road. How are you going

to get those two perspectives together? I mean, for society.

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This to me is a quantative way of getting together. The zone that’s shaded

there is the minimum effect that has to be considered in highway planning,

road planning and upgrading projects, and other project maintenance

sometimes. So that’s a concrete way and some of you talk about that.

We took that and applied it to the whole United States. We asked the

question, “How much of the United States area is ecologically affected by and

in the case of the United States, four million miles of public roads. There are

more roads, but four million miles of public roads? One hundredth of them,

that is about 40,000 that are interstate highways, about one-tenth of them

belong to the U.S. Forest Service, although the Forest Service readily admits it

doesn’t know exactly how many roads it has. These people keep putting in

roads illegally. What’s the total effect of that four million miles of public


Well using the road effects zone for the whole country, we calculated - here’s

the total road length on the left side, secondary roads, rural and primary roads,

standard highways statistics. Then we said what’s the total land area effected

ecologically for each of those, and when you add them together, you get this

figure right here. About 20% of the total, about one-fifth of the total U.S. area

is effected ecologically, directly effected ecologically by our road system.

That’s the first estimate anybody every made for that. It’s rough. Hopefully

somebody will do it and do it a lot better. The article I published on that, the

various considerations this and a whole lot of things that may decrease and a

whole lot of things that will increase it. My interpretation is that number’s

going to increase, almost inevitably. So I would consider this conservative -

one-fifth of the U. S. ecological effect.

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Let me say a few things about networks here. Wildlife biologists have spent a

lot of time on road density, the denser the roads, the more problems there are

for wildlife. There are pretty elegant studies on the effects on wolves, on

bears and other animals. You’re up in Canada and the United States, and so

this is to illustrate another point.

That here on the left side, this is a low road network up there and this is a high

road network there. Here’s some wildlife - one animal avoids the road, that’s

this animal right here. One animal crosses the road and sometimes gets hit,

there. So, there’s an effect then of those two aspects of high and low road

density. That would be important for wolves, for example.

Another effect of road density is on fragmentation of the populations. You’re

taking one big population and turning it into several little ones, each of which

is smaller and each of which has a higher probability of bumping into the

horizontal axis of extinction; just even if nothing but randomness was

operating. Then human access, a higher road density obviously makes more

access. There’s some hydrology aspects, there’s some stream aspects, there’s

some fire aspects.

The bottom line to this is that road density has been - ecologists have focused

on wildlife. I’d just like to extend that idea to a whole range of things that

road density affects.

Road density is very easy to measure. You know, it’s the number of miles or

lengths per square mile, average for example. What’s more - and I find that

from what little I’ve done with it - I find that it’s useful but moderately

insensitive. So it’s a first cut.

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More sensitive and more important is the form of the network. These four all

have the same road network, I’m sorry; all have the same road density. They

all have the same road density, but look at the difference in the form. So the

exercise then - as some of my students do this, you can do it - is suppose

you’re going to add 10% of roads to that network. You know, you’re in a

fringe area and there’s development going on or you’re the Forest Service and

you’re going to cut some more and need some more roads.

Where would you put them to be ecologically optimum? And, where would

you not put them? And for each of those four situations. Very interesting.

Then say, suppose you’re into restoration. You want to improve that road

network it was put out there before the day and before, most of it, and before

the rise of modern ecology. Suppose you want to improve the United States,

that 20% of the United States. Where would you remove 10% of the roads?

It’s a very interesting exercise.

So, basically, road - the network form is a much more sensitive and promising

measure than of the whole landscape than road density, although road density

is a first cut.

Here is one of your good neighboring states here. This is a study by Dan

Smith who has been doing some GIS modeling and trying to advise the

Florida DOT, Department of Transportation, as to where they should put their

money. I think he’s got DOT funding for this, but the fact remains, a very

interesting study. It’s probably the first one, not exactly the first, but it’s the

first of this type in the United States, in recent times. There are some others.

And so what he did was he got nine ecological variables. Now, I don’t want

to go into those because you can raise questions about them. But they had to

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do with, you know, bears and rare biodiversity and rare species and zones and

what-have-you. So he mapped them, using GIS, every 100 meters for all the

highways, actually for the whole state. Then he mapped these things. The

frequency of problems, potential problems, did some field work - I don’t

know how he could have done all that.

But any way, this is kind of a product, in progress product, of that. So what

you see, the more dark circles there are the more problems there are. You can

see if you were the Manager - suppose you were manager, suppose you were

the head of the North Carolina Department of Transportation, wouldn’t it be

neat to have that to say, “Well we’re going to put our dollars here and not over

there. And there’s good science behind the reason why.”

I’m skipping important steps in this process and I’ve already told you one of

them is what were the original nine variables there. But more-or-less they’re

sort of okay.

There is another study in Banff National Park where somewhat different - but

it focused on animal movement. Animal movement is different than

population size and there’s more sense of it. So you can put a road in here and

run a snowmobile up through here and the animals will move, they will

change their behaviors. That may or may not be important. I mean it is in

certain cases, but animal movement - population size more people would

probably buy into and this is closer to population size, but this gets more into

a lot of other things important, like water.

Here is an alternative. Here is a really simple one. This was done in the

Netherlands by law. The Parliament has decreed that the Ministry of

Transport, Public Works and Water Management must do this and they’ve

been given money.

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What they do is they have a map of the - its called the National Ecological

Network for the whole country - a small country but you can do it for North

Carolina. It’s a map and the big black blobs there are basically large green

vegetation patches. They’re roughly, that is what the big green is. The thick

dark lines, for example, on the lower right, are the known major wildlife

corridors or expected wildlife corridors. So basically you’ve got a patch and

corridor network there.

I’m sorry, the water corridors you can see there, going down through the

middle and so on. Basically, it’s a patch corridor network that the Parliament

has required the Highway Department and others to use in their planning.

Then the Ministry of Transport comes along and puts the road network on and

that’s what the thinner lines are - those are the major motorways and

highways in the Netherlands.

What they do is they identify - they call them bottlenecks - I would call them

conflict areas, but they identify the bottlenecks where that - the ecological

network and the road network run into each other. Where are the problem

areas? All the circles are the identified problem areas.

The circles with crosses are the ones where there are big problem areas, where

they had to make major mitigations such as that overpass that I showed. Five

of those stars represent overpasses and I think the other two represent in-

progress or planned in-progress ones.

The Cs represent places where they can’t mitigate, just because there’s

location of industry or something or other, and so they have to compensate.

For the Dutch, by law that means to take an equivalent amount of ecological

value and provide it somewhere else. It doesn’t have to be the same thing.

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They could have a block, a wildlife corridor and provide wetland, or they can

mess up a wetland and provide a wildlife corridor, preferably nearby. So

that’s a very simple way of planning different.

The Dutch, that’s one of those crosses on the previous image, you’re going

along on an interstate highway, this happens to be a motorway, the 850 there,

and you see a sign up in front of you that says “Wildlife Crossing.” Isn’t that

neat? Everybody sees it.

Now look up on top of there, you’ll notice that, its hard to tell from here but

I’ll tell you, there’s a two meter soil berm there, that is two meters high, its

soil, its got a shape like this and cross-section and they plant shrubs and small

trees on it – that’s what you see, some birches and other trees growing up

there, shrubs - and there’s one on each side. When you go up on it, it’s a

grassland, its quiet and they tell me you don’t have much light there at night

on the highway.

It was real quiet and it was big enough for a soccer field up there in that open

grassland. I commented, when are we going to play soccer. The man said,

“Well, it’s big enough for the Dutch to play soccer but not the Americans.” I

said, “Oh, why is that?” He said, as some of you may know, the Dutch are

pretty good at it. So he turned off his mike and he said, “Well, because the

Americans play like sheep. You know, the ball goes over there; well I’ll go

over there after it. The ball goes, well I’ll go. So you see you need a bigger

field there.”

That’s expensive there. That’s a massive structure there. It works, at least -

and that’s a different subject, how you measure what works. Interesting


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This is in Australia. This is in the agricultural areas of Australia. What it is -

it’s a two-lane highway - this happens to be western Australia and you find

them in Victoria and other places, Queensland - that’s a two-lane highway,

that’s approximately 30 meters wide, a 100 feet wide, a football field - no a

100 feet wide - a football field would go from here to here. So that’s a strip of

40 meter wide vegetation - natural vegetation - another one here - that would

be one football field length there.

You see this is going for miles and miles. It connects a big green blob there,

another big green blob up there, another one here, and that’s the way the

Australians in their intensity of agriculture areas are protecting by diversity.

A very different strategy.

I think Australia is probably the most ecologically and most connected

country in the world. But I want to contrast something. The Dutch and the

Australians - that’s not just central to your existence, but I want to mention

that the Dutch and Australia are the only countries I know that by law, at

national levels, they have to mesh transportation and wildlife, I’m sorry, and

biodiversity. There are different ways of expressing this. That’s why - and so

they do it and they do it in fundamentally different ways.

The Dutch want to connect across these big highways like that overpass. The

Australians want these strips of vegetation along the highways.

This is the book - the final thing I want to mention. This is the book that will

be out in seven months or so and these are the folks that are working on the

book. I’m just one - spearheading it along with my colleague, Dan Spurling in

California. They were - some of you may know these names, some of you

won’t. They illustrate that this is a synthesis of ecologists and transportation


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It’s a wonderful experience. I can’t express it any other way than that. I

learned so much, they learned so much. Some of us started into this project

feeling that roads are basic - road systems with traffic - are basically bad.

Well they do provide some social and economic benefits. Some of us went

into this project saying, “Roads are really good although they have some

environmental problems.” That’s a really different way of coming at it and to

be able to work together and affect maybe hopefully affect one-fifth of our

nation is kind of neat.

That will just show you the various topic areas, not too dissimilar from what

I’ve just gone through. Some road stuff and traffic planning at the beginning,

some wildlife and vegetation aspects, and mitigations in the middle, and some

water and chemical effects on the ecosystem.

I skipped over wind and atmospheric effects. I’m happy to talk about wind,

air pollutants and greenhouse gasses. There are so many reports on that

subject that are really good and it’s changing so fast that we are only - we’re

not really dealing with that in this book. We have a very cursory section


Then the exciting stuff is tying the land together with the road network.

Just to emphasize that there’s a research opportunity here. There’s a big

research opportunity. I went and gave a talk some years ago and I used this

image to try and think of some theories that might be useful in road ecology

and I kept coming back to special models as a way to begin to develop theory.

Some of these models like network theory are well worked out in

transportation literature, I mean huge literature of the traveling salesman

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probably, look at this thing, I’ve got to deliver to thirteen cities. What’s the

optimum route? Or, I’ve got some goods I’ve got to transport, I need some

redundancy or stability in my system incase there’s a strike or a breakdown of

rail or something. And how do you get circuitry in your routes? It’s a big

literature and it’s a fascinating, a wonderful literature, I enjoy it.

Anyway, so it’s a research opportunity here, and the next one is the last one.

Then there are some applications, like what I’ve done here is highlight five or

six what I call categories of policy that are going to evolve I think if we’re

going to have an impact. These should be familiar after what I’ve been

saying. Here we are in the lower left, perforate the road with underpasses and

tunnels and culverts, there are all kinds of things, the technology is there. You

can commercially buy amphibian tunnels and just put them in place, made

commercially. There are dozens of these overpasses in Germany of various

sorts and more being built as we speak. To the right, the traffic disturbance,

or traffic noise effect, various burms, and raising the road combinations there


And then there are design issues, engineering issues, what make noise? Well,

the road surface makes noise, after the Dutch studies were done the ministry

of transport immediately, the next time they changed the surface, they put

down a quieter surface on their motorways. Right away – they could put their

research right to work. Road surface makes noise, tire design makes noise,

the engine makes noise, and the vehicle aerodynamics makes noise. Those are

design issues and the vice president of Ford Motor Company, a very bright

woman, she said look, we can address all of those if the incentive is there. We

can make vehicles’ traffic noise decrease. And there’s the traffic issues of

concentrating traffic on primary roads. I’ve moved (VMT) over here

probably, and percent trucks, those are big issues in noise.

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Finally in remote areas, closing and removing roads that reduce human

disturbance. Another big policy area there. So, there are research

opportunities, there are policy opportunities, and I thank you very much for

your time.


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HiPDF is a comprehensive tool that offers explanations for complex concepts in PDF documents. With HiPDF's AI-powered Explain feature, you can have complex concepts explained with clarity and precision.

Can ChatGPT scrape PDF? ›

There are multiple methods to use ChatGPT for pulling data from PDFs and converting it into a structured format. In this guide, we'll focus on two main options. Here's a sample invoice that we'll use in this article to demonstrate how to extract data using ChatGPT.

How to get ChatGPT to answer questions based on an article? ›

Copy and paste the URL of your source material into the message bar of ChatGPT. Or, if your ChatGPT is still powered by GPT-3.5 Turbo, copy and paste the entire text directly into the message bar. Add "Summarize the article linked below" to the end of your query. Click Send.

Can you attach PDFs to ChatGPT? ›

Of course, you probably already know this. However, with its latest update, ChatGPT now allows users to upload documents, PDFs, and spreadsheets directly into the platform for analysis.

Can ChatGPT summarize a PDF? ›

Yes, ChatGPT can summarize PDF documents. However, ChatGPT cannot directly modify PDF files with the generated text as it is only a language model unless you have an external integration.

Can ChatGPT convert PDF to word? ›

ChatGPT - PDF to Word Converter. Assists in converting PDF files to Word documents, offering guidance and tool suggestions.

Can ChatGPT read a Word document? ›

Yes, ChatGPT summarizes Word documents to help users go through lengthy files within seconds. It is capable of processing the text within a document to extract key points and condense the content into a shorter form.

Can ChatGPT read PDFs on Reddit? ›

I created a PDF that had instructions for ChatGPT. ChatGPT doesn't OCR a PDF file when using the myfiles_browser tool, so it relies on text. It essentially uses a headless browser to render the text (and only the text) of a PDF with some basic font information so that it can capture headings, tables, etc.

How do I retrieve text from a PDF? ›

Open the PDF document using a PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat Reader. Select the text you want to extract by dragging your mouse cursor over the desired area. Right-click on the selected text and choose the "Copy" option. Open a text editor or word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs).

How do I convert a PDF to detect text? ›

Open Scan and OCR Tool

If you open a PDF with un-recognized text, click the main document of the PDF. From the menu, choose Recognize Text. This will open the Scan and OCR tool. You can also right click the main document and choose Recognize Text from the menu.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.