New Moon in Gemini 2024: A New Understanding (2024)

New Moon in Gemini 2024: A New Understanding (1)

Astrology & Omens

New Moon in Gemini 2024: A New Understanding (6)

Moon Omens

June 5, 2024

New Moon in Gemini 2024: A New Understanding (7)


New Moon in Gemini 2024: A New Understanding (8)

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On June 5, 11:11 AM —

On June 6, 08:37 AM EST, we experience a New Moon at 16º17’ of Gemini,an opportunity to access a new level of understanding of ourselves, relationships, and reality itself, and a reminder that many of the answers we seek can onlybe foundwhen we silence the thinking mind and look within ourselves.

The New Moon in Gemini is especially relevant for individuals born with natal placements in the central degrees of Mutable signs.Those personally impacted by this lunation will have clear opportunities to renew their ways of thinking, explore new communication habits, and shift their mindsetin a meaningful way.

New Moon in Gemini: Renewing our Communications, Perceptions, and Ideas

New Moons are the beginning of the lunar month: they mark a time of renewal and bring fresh starts into our lives, clearing the energy, inviting us to release the past and set intentions for the future.During New Moons,the Moonis positionedbetween the Earth and the Sun.The Sun is illuminating the side of the Moon facing away from us, hencetheMoon is invisible from our perspective.

On a New Moon, the Sun and the Moon form a 0º degree angle from our perspective on Earth, technically referred to as a conjunction: at this time of the month, the luminariesare placedon the same degree of the same zodiac sign.This month, they join forces in the Mutable Air sign of Gemini, bringing our attention to our relationship to learning,our communication habits, ourinner dialogue, andourway of perceiving reality.The Gemini New Moon begins a lunar month centered around renewing our ideas, the way we communicate, and the way we interact with our surroundings.

New Moon in Gemini: A New Understanding

The Gemini New Moon invites us to question existing ways of thinking, communicating, learning, and seeing the world.This event invites us to embrace a creative mindset and gravitate toward environments, activities, and people that stimulate our intellect, curiosity, and desire to learn.The Gemini New Moon is a powerful time to set intentions about sharing our ideas with others, refining our communication skills, beginning a new writing or public speaking project, and embarking on a new learning journey.

There are currently five celestial bodies in the sign of the Twins: the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mercury, and also Jupiter, which is going to remain in the sign for the next twelve months.Gemini energy is extremely prominent right now, which represents an invitation to prioritize learning and a reminder to see everything that happens in our lives as an opportunity to learn and reach a new level of understanding of ourselves, others, and our relationships.

New Moon conjunct Venus: Understanding Ourselves Through Others

The Sun and the Moon at 16º of Gemini are exactly conjunct with Venus and tightly square to Saturn in Pisces. The conjunction between the Sun and Venus corresponds to the maturation or “Full Moon phase” of Venus’ cycle that started in August 2023. On June 4, Venus crossed the Sun and began the second half of her cycle:this event facilitates aclearerand deeper awareness of ourtruevalues, feelings, relational needs, communication patterns,as well aschallenges with self-worth and self-love that impact our relationship choices.

Venus’ exact conjunction with the New Moon suggests that,during the upcoming lunar cycle, all these themes will still be relevant.We will continue the exploration of value systems, relational dynamics, and financial matters, wewill continue to learn about ourselves through the mirror of others. We will have opportunities to establish new patterns, make new choices, show up in relationships differently, and understand ourselves betterthanksto our connections.Thisis a powerful time to set the intention and commit to refining, improving, and renewing our communication habits within relationships.

New Moon in Gemini 2024: A New Understanding (9)

New Moon square Saturn: We Can Be Our Harshest Judge

The Sun, the Moon, and Venusare also forminga 90º square to Saturn in Pisces. The square is an aspect that indicates tension, friction, and inner conflict. Squares create discomfort, which compels us to make difficult choices andchange.

When Saturn, the planet of conditioning, structure, and boundaries, is activated by a square, we get to confront and recognize our tendencies toward self-limitation, self-suppression, and self-censoring.Werecognizethat we can be our own worst enemy, our biggest obstacle, our harshest judge.The gift of Saturn is that through the journey of overcoming our fears, insecurities, and self-imposedlimitationswe grow stronger, wiser, more mature, and more responsible.However, the process is often not pleasantandit requires hard work.

Saturn’s squares to the Sun, the Moon, and Venus offer us opportunities to gain awareness of how our tendency to repress emotions, our fear of vulnerability, andour low self-worth and self-confidenceare impactingour lives, and motivate us to get to their roots. This configuration brings our attention to our relationship with lack and scarcity and invites us to observe how our conditioning andourfears inhibit us, hold us back, prevent us from loving and feeling loved, and affect our perceptions.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter and trine Pluto: A New Sense of Meaning

Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini and of this New Moon: studying its condition helps usgain a deeper understanding ofthe current astrological climate.Mercury is also in Gemini, separating from a conjunction with Jupiter and a trine to Pluto.

The Messenger isstronglyplaced in its Air home sign andina harmonious relationship with both Jupiter and Pluto.Mercury’s strength supports our capacity to integrate, understand, and make sense, through the rational mind, of the process we are going through.

This configuration is an invitation to broaden our intellectual, physical, and philosophical horizons, discover life beyond our comfort zone, and deepen our exploration of consciousness, psychology, and the power of the mind.Mercury’s alignments with Jupiter and Pluto support our ability to integrate our intuitionin our attemptto understand our experiences and find thedeeperlessons they bring us.

Mercury conjunct Jupiter and trine Plutois an opportunity to find new ways of interpreting reality and making sense of what happens to us, going beyond the surface of what is evident and connecting with both the undercurrents and the higher meaning of what we go through.

Mars conjunct Chiron and square Pluto: Taking Responsibility for Our Power and Our Healing

As the New Moon takes place, Mars is in the late degrees of Aries, separating from Chiron and approaching a square to Pluto. The Mars-Chiron conjunction has been bringing to the surface wounds connected with distorted or unconscious expressions of masculine energy, inviting us to explore our relationship withanger,and encouraging us to acknowledge the impact of the past, feel our pain, and let it go.

These days, we have opportunities to go deeper into our healing journey and see with clarity the purpose of what is emerging, the nature of the experiences we have and the feelings that arise.Mars’ proximity to Chiron in his home sign of Aries, together with the square to Pluto, is an invitation to be responsible for our actions andfortheir impact, for how we choose to channel our energy, for how we choose toreact.The Mars-Pluto square reminds us that we are powerful andwe have tobe responsible for our power, as well as for our healing.

New Moon in Gemini: the Answers Within

The New Moon in Gemini highlights our need to learn,to understand, tomake sense of life andofourselves through our mind andourintellect.This event begins a lunar cycle centered around cultivating and giving space to our curiosity, giving ourselves permission to ask questions, exchange ideas with others, andexplore new learning avenues.

Something to be mindful of during the upcoming lunar cycle is a tendency to intellectualize our emotionsas a wayto avoid feeling them.Distracting ourselves with many hobbies, interests, activities, books, information, social events, and conversations can be an avoidance mechanism that leads us further away from ourselves, even if our intention is the opposite.

These days, it can be helpful to make sure we take time to feel the emotional impact of ourexperiences,besides trying to make sense of them or to understand them rationally.At times, there is no need to understand, whatwe need is to feel, to bring our attention from the mind to the heart, and to remember that many of the answers we seek can onlybe foundwhen we silence the thinking mind and look within ourselves.

New Moon in Gemini Journal & Guided Meditation is available as part of our Full Experience membership. Join Full Experience, receive everything we create monthly and support our work ♥

Crystal Pick for New Moon in Gemini: Howlite

This Gemini stone is uplifting and calming, especially for the mind, helping you open to higher insights and the intuitive intelligence whispering in your ear. This New Moon in Gemini offers the perfect chance to move within the mind and help it find stillness, reflection, and calm, and to shift your ideas and perspective, opening up to new ways of seeing the world, and howlite can help you do exactly that.

A very soothing stone for the mental realms, howlite helps you release anxiety and all the chatter in the mind, bringing quietude, patience, and openness. It can help you attune yourself inward to focus on what you’re ready to grow in your life over this next moon cycle.

Howlite is a great choice when you need to slow down, press the pause button on life, calm your nervous system, and find a place to rest within yourself. That’s why it’s associated with Gemini, as it’s the perfect antidote and balancer for all that swift-moving Mercurial air energy whenever it becomes imbalanced, overwhelming, or is moving so fast you can’t catch up. Use howlite to help you find peace and tap into your higher mind during this New Moon so you can set some clear and powerful intentions.

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Tell us what you think


  • Yes it’s an Amazing Education For the Soul and life exceptional encouragement by a Wonderfull Experience.
    There is nothing like Earth/Mother Sophia, for the Souls and Avatars.


  • What Devine timing this is. I am in the perfect place and state to absorb these energies. This article resonates and just confirmed my intuition and state of what I have been experiencing via my inner dialogue. I also happen to have howlite in my possession. I will be sure to take it with me for a walk to the top of a near by mountain tomorrow and go within.

    Thank you moon Omens team

    Love and light



  • I love the creativity with the astrological information you placed on your site..great work! Gemini NM is working though you!!!


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    New Moon in Gemini 2024: A New Understanding (2024)


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    The new Moon is commonly known as a time to initiate beginnings. Something to also be mindful of is that when the new Moon occurs, it not only begins a new cycle, but also ends the phase that came before.

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    Set Purposeful Intentions

    Be specific, positive, and heartfelt in your wishes, while also reflecting on areas of communication, learning, social connections, and adaptability that you wish to enhance in your life.

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