The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)


S3 1 -30-vw GOOD COSM- -10 ROOM MODERS SEMJ-BlTtUALOW. awaer. 143 3eA A'a E. 352-3-354 (i1 SUITES AND BOOMS. XEWLT PECORATED.

Oeaaa haaled. kuskeLke. 122a paalna. 148-7-152 Dnm Ji glcwl. lOlrO eHwrtr lad, alia capital a- 113 KW Tea ear? for fanw- 1IT.

347-1 333 perttw-lil east marrlaaa. 11 earied. Bo, 346 Seal unim 351-3-354 i ihbiu mi teirrs I jr as- fsii. 29111. -r irnt vim boffet: 29111.

EUrrr bug, kadi from S-BOOMED FITt.VISHED SEM1- I DOS! a-inaak lilt; goad leaM: utmtml hkaii'-a Trzj ta a splendid getjetwatltlasa will stantl fiiU-! Laves-tAgalMO. Prtre gflOJO. Ajfrj Mala City Ucttl 301 1-301 -1113 FENDER W. VILA LODGE. 1020 ttLaECT saa-fcMVd TCatuasua: sweat.

sps-wua brv- old casptts. iiow; aou-rern, paved atreea wan aerated. ATHABASCA LODGE Fgraiarted yrnieja Mra. Buaaeall. reaeonabla.

t'BoP IT VAIL HOL.C7BOOP 1. Pick Cm riifi a Cm. 621. 143-JO-i: ALEXANDRA Twi wtssdarful ksdr csaliengM ascr gem tw Use sntM to aosjtpsrai Iciia ataa 1st Uo to swCiat ismsg silmiio liiiaeaa, iamm or tnuM. BWiiAALftv aiutst aotMl oaiioii to tsua eotjattr.

it jt-r $22410. Any reav-taye terraa. Owner ecota. tiotrk atta. rewrite.

311 Vjnn VAaat Sey. apaa tua 351-1 S3 tDmaidt. aanful aalntlaa. 337-30-5 WILL BIT HALF INTEBLST IN S50-3V-21 ft hop. 7D7 Baeaoa.

$1750 "-J, IABGE FRONT BOOM. KITCHENETTE. AD-- yetning babh; taaaj Beat, auc bocoa. $21; place, lotvag. ult.

tww raaatortaa-a. featrtd. iaa Be Lg3aaa. aareaa'aat acread. sea.

4ai 4. 3t)l-a-30 THE HOLBOBN. 187 HASTINGS EAST FaLf aajoera. turpraug -Spatial aimer talee. 343-14-338 co*kia a s)Mv aWlto Graaetllo aTEEL GUITAR, FINE TONE, NEARLY ''Jki, 915; nli-lt-'a.

(hole Mc- flery raw. $14. 40S7 Fraaer Ave. Pair. 614.

348 352 MASSEfa. ELECTBO-THEBAPIST. SWED-lak antaaL Wa traat aaida. racaautloau fltnst. w-BOOM BO! SE KELFTR ST $2200; $700 cad.

City Eachaua. 101 Main. contract for -l supply for as ysr with privilege. Eeulpcueat. 3 trucka ear.

Gtv aoaua taraU, Approved aarurlty. B-1 142 Sin ortie. 350 4 3 riatfc-m. knttiaaa, Ota. 1203 Laaaifuaa Bank Bide.

Mr 1222. 31-7-ii4 BAIXEUOM DA1NJ LtSSO.Nl eTsUCTtCST prlTac-y on-od anmdatw. Lady bMtroetars, aurv L.nea WJlto. aUcfeerja St. Ftnaw fee.

J2-v 26 a IIBNISHED 1 BOOM SUITE. COMPOBT-abla, with aitut and nrapiaaw. near stacley Park. Bent leaeaaauia. I'bona ltaug, 14 SOL 350-7-354 tJWaP PIXLETS FOE FAT HEN.

HARRI 3 lunav alb OrscwlUe. Sey. lt)T. 34S-3-331 SS. WITH LABGE BOOM.

Hl'SINEI liar Mai llala Streac 349-1-853 13ABU BOOMS 151 PENDEB W. Corner CaaaSi. taaja, caoaortabla. Hot and caul aatar; 34 a aaan aa, 285-S WAP DAVENPORT. LIKE JTEW, WORTH FOB tit' 14 bALJt BL'iS GH-eCtKI AND CONTEC-Uii4ry stora liaia Mreet.

twt sUt'iMI MOKRi tklatmilnt. ELismirc Slto 11. laiBt Bote. 25 Qna. S40-g $500 hlaoftoL 350-1-350 V0 Uranr.ll.

Sey. 2743. Bailiffs Auction I'mlrr ant! by 0f a cm-titional half -VtrreN-nre-ut, clatrtl Manb 27. and by Iiim ruc tions ol Che tentktr, I ill soli at Public Am-tlon at SSO Dunsfnitl' st an nui-r. Totlay (H'tnl ni-Hlaj).

IHv. 2S, at I o'clock p.m., rtw whole the furniture autl rffntai on the premie a. Ternia ctL-h. Ernest B. Staple ton I Ik- Kalllff Paiific HI.I-.


ftaarlal talk ajaaia 4QCESTIONa Bl HAIL OB O-t iU conaaitatlaa W1U 1U2 aa a caua Ttu far aoal Easan a'trira at any anbjart. Sll DOMINION BANK BLDO, Opob 1U aav. a. Brr. 322X PtAfOlijat, water.


HEELS li and cut mlaalMd Wear ftcagav that aa a.u.ea. hvladed: 172 Fourta A W. Mala St. Fair 41K9Y. (31-7-357 linng rcioma.

guod csaa atocA. llartlw-tep stda f-juataia. caatt rra 'r, k1. two bie UKiwca-4v two cartMjaBi lars, tabi4i axid fiitu ra Kent $li per toutOA. LoivuretJ lur llUUtf TeratA BOiKR A UrrKNAXJ Phoito 04.

ltU 4 tf DR1AHD HOTEL. 1023 PENDER IF wanting a good warm roam ar itaiu. Don't throw your aid one way. We saaA, CHIROPRACTORS nTH i. a rur ranvr HrtCHE.

itoeclnc nwa; I bbociUi. bedrooea. 691 theee at good aa new. Mural ruftatncra land ria aarrW peat. Caatral Ga Slatioa.

1 block aoutb at Peader and AoooaL Sey 2952. 33 3-30-39 ktdiarda. 3St 151 (1AIMNO 4 HIGH-CLASS TAILORS and goaU' furalabliwi: 132 Hastlnfi M. E. tT.

HELEN S. aJRAXYILLE BRIGHT. reonia, kwttewkearplrez aulrea. Beaaonable. Sey.

457-0. S44-37-3S0 DH. A r. LOVEK1NQ. CUIRFBACTOB.

perUlUlng to aathsa, vtstlrattca. sciatica santf tonbaaf: I lad i. Uvjc. 70V Ky. 30 1 LTRIC BOOMS iS OrannUe aVUtag Ptrlrtty tsBOttorn.

wail (tatuaoad. uit; lMSBltko; ii-'k CONKKCTlONEBlf. GBOCCBT, VKVf school siappiias. etc; swar larga arhoel: TT gund (or Baa and wlfa; areaJ, csciwejad fut tattate-oiaJe tiea, cArM, etc bee ewnr at 1 1 Bruadway ICasL ..00 2-101 FITtNiSHKD HOSE-1143 Bduaoa 350-3-352 ALBEitT E. BALM B.

DC. Pa. C. Sutta $01 3 NIC easing "A MI-BELL a imilO, 640 GRANVILLE at. 3 larg PCMiua, II alia ad, Aaua aaota frca 1 liaitlittt St.

201-202 Boldra BiiK Horn 1U; 233-1 "CONTINENT! am. 123 UF DEN MAN JrXANIHKD BOL'KE-I heoping itBona. CluidrsB bo abjer- 410. RESSMAE1NG. NOTIONS AND FIX71 RES.

autalda aiackt roueaa, aoaaekeap- IK earn. B-ia 355 Sua. aultea; eaatry heated; taaeaoabla laSO Oranvllla. Sey. 6312-0.

249-7-833 LD UULO SHOP GOLD. SILVER, TEETH. VP coins boughs. Wets repairing. LtaJUd.

333 Cerralt 282-g Von CREDIT IS GOOD V. H. WETM0RE, a. complete, VtiS Granville He, 2S PHTSICAL PSYCH0L06ICAL "EST END CLEAN. WABM H0U8E- 1UAVE A CLIENT WHO WILL PI Re HAI apartment or rDosslnat boos rouod SO rouva Robson Street Vacant Lot in the retail section, a pood buy at $3,500 00 on terms.

Barclay Street A well built Apartment House, showing rato of revenue on investmeut. Price only $13,000, on easy terms. Phone- Sry. ISS for fall sjartirulara. The 'orkhire and Canadian Trust l.iniltrtl 825 SKVMOI'B STRKKT l'bnnrvi Sry.

XL P. Macleotl, Mrt. ltciil Estate) Department 1G3( keaplng and tiagle room a. 1216 Alberirl 331-7-337 What of fere D. W.

Jotuutoa. 307 Pa 11! 67 DOCS. light, psooe $26 842-30-371 CATS AND RABBITS tCoauaaad) Sey. 8857. 14 4 a Data 2258T.

ASTL1X'BI)FT LARCE FBONT BOOM. WHY SUFFER "paOM WltMl, rnOR.HI9 OB ANT SKIS Mood dlfasfcl1 lUtcuiintttia, Ixuabs. SrUtlra. Nourliti or ff pain, Uruu- thirit, Ailhro er ny Lbrost iffertloo; Lrururr-PuLnful VfUtdi, tRanftt erf Life, or boj (ji.c pcuifr to lh fem.1 srs; B-iMulaeM. Ntnuuiwii, Lews of Maahood, vxj Vitality; )niti.

Lflfury Troublt, EnlargMBc-nt uf tit Fratraio GUrui, aa1 soy trotib. ptxilltf tb male rttoKarn, Bli'ltkr, Kldnry or Lier UU; Tuauorout Oroartbs el mj kind, (ioliro q-Urgeinonrt rf any ciainl; r. tn Iwt, sou ciirXaic. diMSM frooi wtilrk jou mty tuff or. Writ tor pxpi'hi 0 DlieaK of Uft.

ba- RNEB MAIN AND HASTINGS LAXNINQ it two; newly furaiabed; firapiace. hooia CAR pta Furalahed aouaakeaailng aultaa. Every rooking. Doug. 1113L.

rBA(TICAL PM'CHOLOUI STUDY OF IU1S ENABLE! taw ta aolva rxur boiaa inJ bualnait proa jacto. ta traia and aorraot diffutrlt roitdraa. ta tula radiau health tor youraHf and faatltoo. Cat Prof. i.

A. Armaod a book of loatmettoai aa aata-kuaaeattoa. 3 1 UU. A ooatpiata praetlaal caaraa. Boo naoc.

Taarauvar Bua. 12A a'aodat Suaai Wool, Taorouanr. 3-tf tAf CASH FOB SCRAP gold, silver. euansotule ar watches, Appleoy. 439 Kicearde Street, e7-i HI-AC do 4 MONTHS 3512-352 IIOTEL.

95 BOOMS BEAUTIFUL FIRM tuiw. full up; beer parlor. A money sister ltie $11,000, down parse nl $000. uaia eaay, too agenu). Boa 347, Sua 350-7 3.

4 caneanlecaa. auMaonabta. eap. 1271 St. la-0 ilELMLLE.

CXIMFOBTABLE HOUSE-LvoO keaDm rooan. hot and ooid water. IELIX APARTMENTS. WEST END FIVE Haute walk fraaa O. and Park; ftar- RUBBER GOODS MADE TO ORDER, palra.

Wringer rolicr iw-eotered. gaa: reaaonabla. aullaa. 10 Jrrvla NTEll PARTNER WITH I 5O0, it lehed 8 a Sey. 4464 336-30-365 Rubber Co.


851-3-353 nil All AN GRIFFON PUPS. REGISTERED I arr, 646 Stnaro SL. tictoriA. Ptwae $29 30-354 gentleman, aliens ar actlv. targ profit Boa 848 Sun.

350-3-35 PAST tl'LU. TAKE FHONOl.RAt'HS AS 4jjO HEATED HOUSEKEEPING BOOM. vJO.OU Inriudlnj light and laa." 116.1 Sey-Biur, near Davla. 350-7-856 2SB CHIROPODISTS 1044 taytaeur St. Phaa Sey.

8009. AND CU1P CAFE ALSO FRXStl payment a plane ar radio, -ellle 8L A tlah buaiaetA Snap. $300. Boa 320 San 4 LUERTA ROOMS. 85S BOBSON H01SE- ALTO FOB BOAT OB HAD 10.

fully modern kerpinA and atngle roonta eVROOM FUBNISHEU SUITE MODERN, a pviona Say. .7060. 1221 Oranvllla 827-80836 IsEDIGREED BOSTON PUPPY, FEMALE Bay. 511'L 352 2-351 SET. 452.

1124-80-331 ooUrleaUy treated. T. A. W. Aodrawa.

T13 wa. Graduata NaUooal UoapUAt, London, and. say. 2410. Bats 848-80-19 flrwproot reaaonabla ratee.


3o0 3-3 WARM FURNISHED BtU-SlIIINO a rood, reatonabio raoL 1256 Neiton. 34 7-T-353 Bay. 5S23Y. snsi, poppies. Beasotvibl.

37 UNFURNISHED SUITES 260 ORUGLESS HEALERS tiuninc tfao-o diieaiM to your ici not mpfHionrd la the ututl Medical works. Pani)hM on In of Women inJ thrir cur by Mert-sli. Ato our trfstls on th 00 soaraooest dttwset. MtxMlet ott ISittn tmj Bi-xvi llwase, Pamphict on Diet, together wiUi TwiinwclaU, and our Ad-vif-e freo by mail. Coatului ioa frcw.

wltiwut oiiiatlotL Houri, 2 to tf and 7 to 9 daily. Wed. and hun. ckMed all day. Thlrtj ysary xpTieru! hw and to too Old Country.

Traat-wtu by nail our specialty. Wtala not diiparins ether forma of treaiaw'tti. wo would suigeat u-fof having an opaTaUon or unilderiui jewr ca hopeless, yuu conault us. Phona ty. 7i45 fur appointment, whlth cost nothnig.

Ncxe We hae ao connection with other Harb-allat In Weft End. English Herbal liiapansary Uti, J3od isTle, B.C. a oldaet ilabtl lutttut. I ItlHIMINU Hill SES. GIliK'CIl S3 AUTOMOBILES and CONFECTIONERY STOItES, and licit' NEL b-ttlMlM Si ITE, FRONTING O.N GRANVILLE.

in Tunatall Block: 709 Dunamulr. 851-7-357 ElAvJ large front booaekeopingt aultea, well SALE PUREBRED WIRE HAIRED fol terrier pupplea (male). 225 Grant. High- 263. 851.3-35 SERVICE STATIONS WE FINANCE UU.

Bt TTtB A WILSON 336 Itiitrrs Bid. 84 8 furnlabcd. Iirrnar-e heat. Braaimahi. 348-7-84 SPOUT SEDAN.

BALLOON Urea; ran 6000 milra; cant ba told new. I alll Mil by (7X0 equity Tor $200, and balance uaa be apread ever 18 months. Bay. 2S46R. 351-2-352 MAIN PARK INN BOOMS RATES 2838 GRANVILLE.

2-BttlU MOllEltN auli. Appty 1395 14th W11V LEAiiN VUiCKLV Bow to regnlaia your heaJtA and keea tt, HuW to snerooma wrry end nertonirmaa. How to sycuuiro seif-ratatiaatMo. Mow to kfap young, haalioy and gtraaB. Mow to BikVava a tut tea of Lie.

How to belli youraelf and ctlierg, Hcng to gatUiw bappuMsw aod ptuftperttv. 1, MB SALE. $1200 RESTAURANT AND OST0N PUP. $2.73 week up. Central.

345-7-851 1V55 46TU AYE. E. 48-8-330 13 A eigr stand In good toestlon. rsonabl 6923L. 846-7-352 Bay.

11)l HOWE LABGE BED-SITTIXO offer ewfufted. Phon High. 20U5R. after 4 CHEVROLET LOUPE NEABLT J-A- room, ault two gentlemen. Bey.

718SY. 847 8 34 1025 nw: fullj tquh'Md. Snap Foreclosure Bargains 1 A RR ENTON 12TH AND 11KM-'v iiK-k, new 4 -room suite ia this exiiuaive sparluient, modrai rent. Bay. 1013Y.

NCiLlSll 1)1. LI.UOG PUPPY. PEDIGREED, -t real gift. Alao female about a ar ana a half. I'lioste High.

8617L, a Hit 5 pea. 361-2-352 'uk. Ouod tarmi. Kay tOAL AND Hlltlll, tSTABUSIIED 12 YRS. fl32.29-3.i0 team horse, truck, property sjid build' NELSON ROOMS BOARD 0P-tlotial: taraga 350-7-856 1740 FLLL rHICI ON CHKVBOLAT 701 Main iu-.

$2250; $500 caan. $200 tourlns; Terr goud, eunditlon. Phnna 831-80-360 Prof. 1. A Armand's Wdbderful Book of Instruction will help ou ItsaedJaioly.

It la worth Its weigkt gold to you. uet II today. 11 all 1 to the Book Vajicuuvar ttuji. 125 fuuUr tk. VancaiiTer.

1 PERSIAN KITTEN fUR SALE, 3 aonth. old. Phone Fait. 2726Y. 3 -350 KING 8 FAMOUS U1NEHAL STCAU BATHS and kiauaga for ladjaa and geMlotnfa.

601-3 Domuuuti Baak Bldi Pbuua Sa. 1523. 841-a SEYMOUB FL'BNISHED ROOMS. Bir S8T7B. 710 ESTAUIU.NT, CENTRAL LOCATION kltia men.

reaaonabla Say. A809X. 4- ing good iHialnawa Snap. Owner leavin. S45-I-351 l'lJUU LiGUT DKLIVERl, 8 TABLE A bakar.

bna lor quick aaia. HUH. 478. SALE. FRASER 360-3-352 ItEHSIAN KITTENS 1 2U3L3.

town. 256 Columbia Ave. rACANCY FOB 2 STUDENTS TO LEABN hatrdreaainat; paid wbiie lea mink. Terma RIGHT CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS, 1H NAPI 30 BOOMS. OWNER.

HIGH. 8254. POMS. REGISTERED, i BEAUTY PARLORS 2T lao room and board, on ear tin. 1250 i 'H1SOLATE have both residential and bualnens property In various parts of the city which wt are prepared to sell on very easy terma to satisfactory purchaaers.

Buy now for snap price, befor end of ear and partlculara. Madam Uuurphreia. 723 PeD- MOUNT ALLISON LODGE GOOD FOUR-room tulta. far good tenant, Roasonsbte, 74 2 Broadway Eaat. Fair.

lbKCR, 347-7-353 THAT AIARTMENT QUESTION IS BIGHT HERE AGAIN SEE TI1E ANGUS BEFORE YOU DECIDE A' Invlt your Inspection any time. 1500 DAVIE 1600 1. T. Ketuun. Mgr.

Doug. 2398 329-30-838 PHONE 1 I STLDEBAKEB SEDAN. 1 847-80-18 Rlrhsrds. Sey. 70I6L 845-7-331 8 Bay.

2U95B. Broadway W. 344-k 345-7-331 -E't: 24 7BL VCT1V iuti NEWLY FURNISHED LIGHT 1 BOOMS CENTBE WEST-END; TWO I A RGB lurloue Beauty Parlora In B.C. Boat CHEVROLET SEDAN A I "ILL NELL lil'i I year leaae; water In aultea; garage; good li houaakeeolng room. 1012 Hornby St.

Say. 1KBEBRED ALSATIAN PUP ll'tlLH dog), beat pedigree In the Waal. Pries $100. Phone air. Our Jon.

say. 714, at Doug. 2136L. 844-7 350 sacrlflco price. For appolmmctu, rhone Bay.

in 6976Y. 848-4-831 baarment. hot sir furuare; fully rented. 81450. E.

Aim. 86 FalrfUld 445 Orantlll. 24H6H. 351-3-353 room, afternoon tea. Meet yuur frleniia.

Eiperl narceiiera (5 yeara' eiperiencet aaia hair dying; really eftectlv faclala and acalp treaUDenu. Guaranlaed reducing cream. 938 Bobaun, Say. 0004. a Ctuiomara aay "llaat work in Vancou-tr.

343-g 350-7-366 WELL FURNISHED BEDROOMS, $3.30 and $.1 a week; garage, $3.50 month: 1540 ELECTRONIC SPECIALIST BLOOD TELLS A Sl.NULK DROP OF blood taaled by ERA -areata bidden rauee of your dlaoaaa and ERA natbod euroa It when all ttbara falL Spoclfia for Celda, Bronchltla. Aatbma, Bbaumatlam. Couttoattoa. dlaeaaei of kidiaoya. atomacb oaraoa, blood, raettua glaoda.

ate, eta Sauaraaioa guaranteed. Teal and trial IreaUueau boa. EBA. Bull 3. lUU Duna-atilr St.

250-1 tAsli paid lor Autouiobilea -U10 Georgia W. 322-80-351 A1 BUN ADS. Bltl.NO RESULTS i 1 1 1 68 BIROS Low rent, good location. Hot 345 Hun Off Ice. 'A II ST HELL AT ONCE MiL-lLGULIN 38 FURNISHED HOUSES TO RENT 3rd Ave.

W. Bay. 453SU 84I-0-01 1LEAN, QUIET BOOMS, SUIT OENTLE-' man; $3 and $4, doe to Burrard 1012 IlarwoiKl St 848-7-354 901-At-at a. UHirtna In aotjd condition. Sl'10 cath.

'UE BEAUXY BUOl'PE MARC ELLIN A CREDIT FONCIER 800 HASTINGS WEST Seymour 6777 Root Cram, Manager. apauaJty. 313 Orphauu Blug. Say. Phima Fair.

43K4L. -NaF UOAUD HKHlDLaNrE. G(MIL HK 8868. 153-1 -sus CANARIES, GUARANTEED SlNOfcRS: It TV Rollers, Yorkshires, $7 up. 1 diking eenue.

guod furniture, linen, china, fruit. rJUKJM HOUSE DIVIDED INTO TWO AND three-room uita; partly fumislied. Furniture for txieap. Also garage, rented. You "tT SELL AT ONCE 1U21 CHEVB0LET IXI'EIiT MAONETIU WASSAGK ELECTBIC A -a bluket hatha.

Mta. FeaWLaon. 1124 Granrilla. Say. 471.

843-80-17 IIOUSEKEEPLNU BOOMS. 1062 HORNBY 1 street. 8411-7-355 orrot. 'PUE BLTH ILBKO BEAUTY SHOPPK; raaac 60c 1223 Defle 8l Say. 4708.

302-1 43 K1CHABD8 IT. -a'. Sedan; fitted, ipare tiro. 2 bumperi. auto-mitlc twie, rw dite clutch.

Cash or termi. I'bona High. 214UY. 350-3-352 ROOMS, CENTRAL 1XR ATION. 1 SET.

8053 346-7-3o2 can make your rent with Uila houte. Kty. 3800L. 1120 Hornby. 851-2-352 GRANVILLE.

NJkAB 4TH AVE. and cold water in every room: always full, 'MM awaw bouaekeaplng room, baatad. lew rent DANC1.NU TAUGHT IN TWO LESSONS. Beeulu ara aura. Phoiia Seymour 9016B.

S41-I big revenue producer, laing lea. $6800, good 847-80-18 'OB LATE? MODEL SEDAN. BAL- LA CRAIO PARLORS, GIVINO TUOB-ougb coura in beauty culture. 1269 ajren- SINGING CANARIES, $5 UP. PARTLETr.

1028 N'analuw et. Phone terma Owner. Boa 830 Bun office, or High. 2533R. 850-8-353 7 BOOMS, COMPLETELY FURNISHED, O.N 7th West, near tiranvll! St.

Rent $55 per monlli. W. E. Anderson, 205 Dominion HMg. Sey.

70S3. 351-4-304 tpti'J iwn dup0 fnisn: ananj-larma Bay 1D4X. 34S-3-35U rllle St. Sey. 426.

37 4-1 4-KOOM BI5.NO A IOW, LA HOE L1V $3 PER WEEK. FRONT SINGLE BED-room, newly decorated, furaao beat. 1116 SOClETt PALMIST, tic dally. II. CLAIRVOYANT, AD-luota 7, 0 Brlen HaU, 843-30-372 11A1K1IRESSINU TIIU-OIL.

PER- tj ROOMS, HOUSEKEEPINO, ALL RENTED, TOGOENBUBU KIDS, FEBRUARY BORN. PEKBLKMS K0UB Coroox. 348-7-354 PASSENGER noiik, 2 bedruotui. Oath, toilet, full be if (Bent, on $400 csali full price $875. 850 Pender maneot waving wave guaranteed).

Eapart manei tf Nlson, Lucaitt Goat Rancn, 1919 774. large lot, louallou, harj i ituail ajid Aingi Buritultlam, 847-7-869 350-3-352 Weat. loa I'bona 844-7-35U 1TEA.M-HEATED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, LIGHT, WATER. SOME FUHM. lure; tnuuedlai poaaeaston, $18.

Cell. 621L1. 851-7-857 operatore. boblttg, alo. 445 tiranrilla.

Sey. 6671. 111-1 way. Kaby terma. btuall eaih payment.

ify. CAFE SWEDEN. 81S MAIN GOOO TABLS hoard. 21 KaaU. Eat till aatlaried S' BOOM 4, $2 50 week up.

1813 alortoa Engllah Engllai 4h44-U. 704 eaelt oa aaota. Siogla aoealt. 33a. Try ua 836-30-383 Bay.

MA1SON I aOHCAS LOUISE, LATE OP BEEN TALK1NU PARROT, loops St. 8AIJ1 BUIIURBAN MOVING PICTURE t- theatre. going concern In good dlatrtct. Alao gange doing good huiOneea In repair work and OF HASTINGS PARK 8-H0OM. 846-30-873 K1TS1LANU HOUKK PNAP 1 4ftt fobd toubino cab: xewlt 'Iiwt palnud.

firat rlast eondltlon. S423. Eatr lermi. Phnne Se. 774.

344-7-330 XJ Henri. Suaclailat wavtog. liorcea Hair- modern furnished boute; gaa, piano and IjHINCKSS ROOMS. 106O GHANV1LLI Comfortable. bumaUk.

cauUaL llouaokeeplng, gaa station. Hoi 828 Sun. SSI-l-noi! dreealng Parlor. 825 Oranrllla. Soy 1408.

135-1 AltBOT FOB SALE, $20. BASE It 22111.2. 847-T-333 FOON SIEN, OFFICIAL l.NTERl'RETKg Jl of B.C 417-8 Baudoa Bldg. Sey. 8828.

330-30-859 garage; 2080 Eton SL High. 75L. 847-4-350 etc. Reaaonabl. 816-1 tf OT( U1X-HOOM UOUHK, LOCATED JJ on tteveaih on 60-fl lot, he tWMQ Vine end Haliau fully irodern; 11 tug room with fireplace; dining room end cabinet kitchen: 1 bedroom dowititalra; full ba lament with Ik ROO-MS, MAIN THOROUGHFARE.

$500. C1ARS MILD Ut'ltKLT O.N COMMISSION. Sea CampbeU Alotori. Baa. 4000.

888-30-383 I YGIENIC BEAITY PARLORS EXPERT 'City e. disuse 701 Mala. 881 30-360 WEEK UP CLEAN, MODERN BOOMS, renlraL Wilbur 62 Haatlnga Eaat, HOLLERS. SPLENDID fcsNGKRS, WITH) cage. $5: bans, with cage.

$1.23. 2087 11 ladlea' halrdreaalng. Hair eouiblnga made up. 991 Thurlow. Sty.

9258. 154-1 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, $45 MONTH; 1435 Vriublet St. Pbone High. 209. CI ENU1NE reau.

1 good beating plant: lot all in lawn with SCHOOL SUPP1JES, CON WJTATIONEHY, In Inlrodure raaponaible people wiab- 2nd West. 843-7-361 nent treei, -Hos 7S0 caih: tialaoca aa rant. fectlonery, aportln, nods. Worth tnvligt- DODGE TOPH1NO. GOOD OKIlEB.

SOME urt, $273. Doug. 1712K. 852-2-353 ing marriage or ronipaoiHiehlp. Eautbliabed (even yeara.

Boa 800 Sun. 344-tf tng. Eslabllehed 12 yrai: Ideal location. Price it-wumand thta aa a good buy. KIT81LAN0 LNVtaXUKNT CO.

TiTBW PARISIAN BEAUTY SIIOPPB, 722 A.1 (iranviilo; arrvieaii, aatl.facUnn and aafety. Sey. 6554. 348-7-301 HOLLER SINGERS A HUNDRED TO) clct from. reeaorubl nrteas.

Mundakl. (CO K( EEK 80 BOOMS. FULLY arp. Hot water, (ran hathA 21 Cordova Weat. 830-1 $2850, term Would consider nice home.

2782 fount Aa, W. Bay. 103 Owner. Boi 831 Sun offlc. or High.

253811. .1. WONG. DOMINION INCOME TAXATION lmarprewt, 404 Bullion Bids. Pbone Sea, 811 Csaalar SL (One block south from llasilnst 39 UNFURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT Bstabllibed 1912.

MECHANIC, BAY. 343-30-13 I VVILS0N-54 5H. J' 850-8-852 cat). 830-23-352 SI4i 1306. 850-80-21 IA WEEK IP COMFOBTABLB room.

Plenty al hot waler. 634 Georgia Eaat 294-1 27A BARBER SUPPLIES E-W MODERN TAriUMAKEtt SINCE 1880, LONDON, KITSILANO BENT BEAUTIFUL NE bungalow. Just Wlnlsliotl; In 63A MONEY TO LOAN har-tveood floors. England. SACRIFICE LATE STIDEBAKER bruuabam, like new.

coat f2700, for $1450. Otrner laavliv. cfll Duug. 24 7UL. 851-3-353 60 BUSINESS CARDS L.

W'allaan. 306 Horahy Street UO 1 BUPPLIES, MASSAOE 11EAUTY PARLOR Sey. 6793. CAKB. BALANCE BKNT, BUI GRANVILLE A COM KUBTABLa nolo for th wtntar.

"CoaHy heated." 1390 350 nd bobbing chalra, electric dryert, ahampoo S. W. corner Heather and 22tid, $50 tier montii. J. Z.

HaU A 734 Ilaalingi West. 352-7-35S beautiful new, fully nodara stuoee BROKERAGE CHINESf -CANADIAN MONEY TO LEND LARGE AMOUNTS FOB automobile flnanrtng to dealer and ethaes. LAT IS DANGEBOUS. WE CAN CURE 316-90-46 Sey. 0312-0.

bungsloie, Kltaliano. avurlh of 4 th. Uardwwd1 PAYMENTS MLTCH TIKES ON 3. you. Batha and reducing cream: no diet; no also on hotels, looming houses, obattols.

dl floor, If reach duora. loaailea fireplace, built-to J. lite 1273 Grant Lit. traya, electric clipiwrt, ribratora, violet raya. cream) and toilet walera for profeaalunal ua.

BARBERS' SUPPLY LIMITED 687 Burrard St. sey. 1683 198-1 SSXPOBTEHS, IMPORTERS, REAL ESTATE, labor contractor, lnsurnc. finance Meat, notary public, 433 CarraU or Sey. 347w.

340-30-373 Sej. 4828. monda, lewelry, salaries or sny buslneta; strietly (tat urea, aide ttramiab, alteplng porch, re danger. Rbeumatlam. Quick raUtu.

ttadlual inatl-tute, 938 Bobaon. Sey. 6064. 837-1 MAIN, MELROSE BOOMS BRIGHT, eouilortable. Ml.

Wright, lata Rob Roy 857-30-28 331 Hotel. fr-HOOM HOUSE REAR OF 584 RICHARlrs. -) full plumbing, $17.60 monib; furniture for sale. Sey. 655HX.

350-2-351 eonfldentlal. People's Loan 610 Haatlnga SL batetnent. furuaca, ftO-ft. lot: good flew ef fcitgiiah W. Sey.

2539. 236-1 Bae. htiaul aar. hiUO. hftuuuii.

bay. odl FOhD COL'PE- (OBBECTIVE COBSETS TO MEASURE FOB -8523. Fair. 3587. 3 50-3-352 85-7-851 1 1 ONEY 10 LOAN DIAMONDS.


CLOSE IN; 1216 Bobaon. Phon Doug. 2uU4t. 847-7-353 dlaplacad organa, indigeatlon, eonatlpatlon, backache, nervoua exhaualton and relaxed piutclot. Reduce with perfect llnea, poetuie and comfort.

ROOMS, PLASTERED; WATER AND arf light: full bssem*nt; on high, dry lot, $13 month. High. 8022L. 350-2-831 ATI. kodaks, ste.

i gold bought; pledges kept 12 LOST TOtritlNO JKST LIKE 28 NORTH VANCOUVER new; bunipera and (pare tire and rtirtalna; months; receipts given for sach pledge, Prlrat cuatouirt' roujrti. A uuist, reliable, reapectsbl B. 0. Cora, 1030 Hero 8Ue. Sey.

PR00UCE, OROCEFIIE ODERN BL'NUALOW. $20 MONTH; 28TB 1165. 84-1 COMFORTABLE TO BENT MODERN, perfect; Qukk action. Phona Doug. 27S2B.

S50-3-S52 olac to borrow monay. Bar wane i Vsncouvsr Vso. ksy pen Chstrflld, a house, fireplace In dining room, good garden. 34 UNFURNISHED ROOMS leading lewalers. star Losn Pawnuro'srs, SlIW FRESH FRUITS.

VEGETABLES, GRO-cerls. All kinds. Popular 1128 Bey. 8608, 280-1 710 Bobton St. Etlsbllshed 1005.

27 block from three carllnea, blork and hlf from school. Beaaunabl. Fair. 843-7-331 6706. 1URRARD SE4'URITiES LTD.

SEY. PRINTING Jv yvfCJ acres, on good road; water, light, JJUiLDIMJ AT 6311D AND 12x18. crieap. A good place for bachelor; warm. Apply 570 13ui Ate.

Wast. 848-3-350 1JKIVATE PARKING SPACE. 83 PER mnnlh, ona block from Hudatm'a Bay. Suitable for profeaaloDal men or will aublet aholt. Glalra Attree "tudlo of Dancing.

850 Rlchartla St. 1'hene 8cy. 2280. 838-30-368 3 Money en hand for refinancing, ehallei 17HEN SHIPPINU TOUB HOI.KEHOLD gooda to pointa east or aouth, firat phon Sey. SU85 and tat ua quota you pool car rate.

In addition to a big Bating of money, mean a eater and opeeJier way to ahlp. CRONE STORAGE 760 Beatty SL Sey. 8088 843-1 near Municipal Hall, Lnn Valley, or as part mortgages nd discounting sgrMuienu tor slw payment In xtling for 6-rootn modem bungalow Insurant. Bie llowwr City. MENUS.

ORDINARY AND SPECIAL cv1trg' check booSa anything rquird by restaurant or slurs printed at Th, Sun Job Printing 187 Pender SL V. l'hoas Sey. 40 HOUSES 40 In Rurnaby, Haatings Eaat or South Vancouver. SUITE. SEL1XT BUILDING.

MOD-V-' ern. complete In every reaped. Coal and wood- 32 80-856 FOHD TOUBINO. 825 CASU. BAL- ll'KST VANCOUVER 1 1-5 ACRES.

COR. 1918 burning fireplace. Adulta. Doug. 921 Keith, Ninth and Etitulmalt Ilosiit, $660, anca eair.

Campbell Moton. 4th and 847-30-878 347-7-833 DranTille. II'IIJ, TRADE FA1HVIEW CORNER AND It cash for good house. Phone Fair. 4S12L.

351-2-352 B. C. COLLATERAL LOAN CO. LTD. Th Only Cbarured Pswnbroktrl la W'aunn Cslisda.

EaUbllahed in 1000. WELDING TRUSS TORTURE ELIMINATED half caah; balange arranged. HAIIRY P. ItRITTON 601-002 Credit Funcler Bldg. 850 Hastings W.

Bey. 4538 77 Hastings St. Phon Sey. IS IT 270-1 PACIFIC WELDINO CO. OX Y-ACTKLINI asldlng snd culling stsej, malreshl snd east iron, lirsts, aluminum, etc, ay.

6180. Night phon. High. 1008L. 60-g 34A ROOMS WANTED WANTED TO BUY HOUSE IN WEST END.

Ult particulars. Mo agaiita. Box 806 Son. 847-1 I.OKD BOADSTKB. 25 CASH, BALANCS uioifhlT.

Campbell Wotort, 4tb end GrantlHe. 848-30-872 ATTBK1KS FOB ANY CAB. $10 AND UP. MM Campbell Battel? Service, Fourth Aeo. and Granville St.

41-1 IJY WEARING OUR SUPPORT; 80 DAYS' -I) free trial. Call or writ for booklet. A Lundberg 038 Pender Vancouver. UNUM1T14D CAPITAL, SOMEONE RIDING I.N A 4TH Atente itreet car after 8 o'clock laat -Monday uiornliiig, found a lady handbag. The bag contained two palra of aptctaclea, a watch, a ring, ten or twelve dr.llara and aonte otber arllclea.

The finder may keep the money. Spertaclea are of uae only to owner, the watch ring valued gllla. 844-7-800 INGLE MAN WANTS ONE Olt TWO UN- DESKS AND FILING CABINETS furnlilird heated roma with private entrance. T. LOAN MONEY ON DIAMONDS.

BURNABY 274-1 Hoi 810, Sun onice. 350-3-o52 watcbea, kodaka nd verythlng ef value THE MODERN OFFICE SUPPLY CO. 163 Pander 8b W. Bey. 6027.

873-g JUBILEE 43 STORES, OFFICES. WARE. RUPTURE SPECIALIST A reliable place to borrow money. Howard, Lry a Loan 6 Hastings E. Est.

1V14. 'ANTED USED CABS FOB CASH. 727. SKY 5-t HOUSE.B VJTCIt 6 ROOM Li 11 USE. MODERN, BLOCK il arhool and car, arr ground, all In fruit NOTARY PUBLIC $02-1 I EVENTUALLY HEARD'S RUPTURE BELT, -a Men, women.

rhlMren, Infanta, 959 Robaon Nldiolaon Limited and garden. Boi 162 Sun. 345-7-1111 i. W. PRESCOTT, J.P., NOTART PUBLIC.

608 Haatings SL W. Bey. 1462. 310-1 SPACE AND lIHST-CLASS WAREHOUSE 849-30-19 Vancouver. Sey.

8820. 36 ROOM AND BOARD "I ANGI1AM" RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 1113 rvclson Fully modern, iugi and double rooms, tshowertl, 833-30-302 BRAKES KE-LIXED-J" 1357 Seymour. Seyi1 61198. 297-1 trice.

2002 2nd Ave W. Bay. 376 POINT GREY CARPETS 64 BOATS AND LAUNCHES Leonard Warehouses. Pbone Sey. S3 57.

350-1-860 KAVE YOU OOT YOUR BABY'S PICTURE! If not, call and aee Walter H. Colder itbe ON 4 2 -FT. LOT, BALLARD'S CARPET CLEANINO WORKB. Benovstlng. sewing, laying: 1200 Vanablee.

Phone High. 413. 308-1 V'EW HEMI-HUNOALOW No. 3UX2 20th Ave ALSO 257-1 I WILL BUY OLD SCRAP CARS acrap metal. I'bone Illgh.

2600R. -aJUlt'tiUlUJlcvU, Stli.l'AJlta. UAS BOATS, to, Boau bought and sold. Lulu Island. children' photographer), 62 7 tiraovlll Street.

50 HASTINGS EAST. W. Large living TORE FOR RENT- BEDROOM. ALSO BED-SITTING 1HVIN Upataira, 263-1 850-7-350 Apply Native Herb Co. room with fireplace; reataooable terma.

1258 room New WeatnuuMar, gear 118 Cofdev, W. aVtr. 4 7221. V0g room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, aunroom, breskfaat nook, hardwooii floors, completely jnodern. Must MATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED- 8 PUT CASH FOR ALL KINDS OF CABS: 813 Georgia W.

Sey. 4201. 818-1 LL NEW YORK METHOD, MAS TORE FOR RENT GOOD LOCALITY. SEY, M.ME. je: aage; S' sell.

Will Bcecnt $4000; terms arranged. See electro-magnetic awaats and bathf, etc KID OH. 844-7-350 HATS CLEANED, BLOCKED, DYED, RE-covsted, stevuuon't Hat Works, 064 VI Oranvllla. 1604 owner on premiers or phone Garland, Fslr. 8258Y 700 Dunimulr.

Sey. 7008. 828-1 IWlrelL. 850-7-350 dQ-WEEK, $30 MONTH; BRIGHT, WARM, tpO comfortable rooms; full board; real home away from home (central) tf blocka from G. P.

2 blocka from Granville. Soy. 6815L. 843-7-351 MACHINERY 66 851-10-1 ewg, GRANVILLE STREET, SUITE 8, MRS. 079 GROUND FLOOR TO BENT: SUITABLE FOR light manufacturing or office also good bsacment for Badminton, gym or Indoor golf.

Leaa. OUdyl Altrr Studio of Dancing, 650 CiA Sll FOR LATE MODEL CAU. SEY. 8032. 2H3-I PEN SOON 'TUB MAINLAND AUTO Wrerkltig 975 Main Street.

Wo carry a large atock of auto topa. uaod parta for any make of care. 339-30-388 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR 851-1-351 mineral hatha, mastage. Sey. 2913.

40 PROPERTY FOR SAL SALE AMERICAN STEAM HOIST, 7il0, double drum, boiler mad for snd tested 130; Ims ussd 8 wssks, $1660 lob. Ptlnce irsurgo. Address Z. Bush, Prince George, U. U.

845 7-361 Richards SL Sey. 2280. 830-30-368 BOARD 23118 BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS EFT MONDAY EVENING, 8 P. ON RICHMOND PLACE BOOM AND for four (cntlemeu, $d0 month. 1 FRONTAGE, GOOD 'FRY OUR HOME COOKED TURKEY DI.N-1 Dtr on Ciirlaunaa evve.

Glenuale. 717 SUN ADS. BRING RESULTS 23 Fourth Are. car, corner llagliiiga and 848-7-364 MACDONALD LAIRD, LAW OFFICIB 218 Rogers Bldg. Phune Sey.

2331. 818-1 soil. Across from Lsdyamlth, B. C. Hlgh.

SUN ADS. BRINO RESULTS 1205R. 846-7-362 Richards a purple gloria cloth umorelld, valued aa gilt. Reward. Phone Hign.

3022R. 351-3-353 $7 WEEK 1100M AND' BOARD FOR 2 TING DYNAMOS, 17, 10, 2 1 AND -a Vk K. gosrsuteed sll In perler eua- DETECTIVES 43B HALLS FOR RENT ileach. Fair. 1980X.

138- EAT SHERWOOD ICE CRKAM 178-z 11th Ave. West. 850-2-351 dllloo, bsrgaln prices thta month. AUTO TRUCKS 24 (-RIIOM HOUSE, BUSINESS CORNER, IN Rotelsl. Manllohs, Alto 80 seres 2 mllst out for sale cheap or eirhanga What offers? Hot FOB CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATIONS you want msa of lntsgrlty, etperlence end hlllty.

"That man is Johnston," Dominlea Bsnk Building. 288-1 STUDIO TO KENT KOR 8KLKCT DANCKH and wlvate nartlei. (ilodsi Attrc BtU'llo of 1'LJIl'S It POWER LIMITED 40 CoiUo.a SL East, Opp. Uc. a Me.

344-14-857 "XfAONKTIC MASSAOE SWICK METHOD. 815 Kua B45-T-8S1 i) YOUNG MEN, ROOM AND HOARD, CHEAP, aw Good home, 1010 Davie St. 360-7-856 IRISH SETTER, AGE 6 MONTHS, ANSWERS nanio of "I'elwr." Phone Ftusct 7I1IJH1 or Sey. 5IJ32. Btkard.

351-7-357 DUNBAR CAR, ABOUT 4 P.M.. 22ND, Manhattan Apt! i'E Madam Wood, Sott 140, 1.BD STEEL PANEL DELIVERY, LITTLE uaed, fully ecuipped; lull laundry, baker or evora, lllOtl Main St. 347-7-853 Dancing, 650 Klcl*trdi. Pey. W-SO.

323-30-352 I 0T ON WATERLOO CITY, $376. ONE ROOM, SUITABLE FOB PATENT ATTORNEYS Hall at 734 Hastings West. "C( IJ0WK iJUo J3ACU1U WMLD1NU CO. C'AH tltailkl snd rnui wldd. 1142 Graovllia strt, bey.

6130. 61-1 round floor; with or without hoard. grot 351-3-853 HOUSES FOR SALE 45 LORD 1-ton truck witn body, $25 caah haudiaa Campbell Motor, 4th and Granville. 347 30-376 (11AIO DUNAWAY, M.D. WOMEN'S allmrnta, 20 yeara in Seattle.

414 Pan-tagea If 160-tf black bag containing money, cheque, etc. Finder please call loU. 004L3. Rettard. 352-1-352 851-3-308 RLE CORNER.

NO STUMPS, PAVED VENTILATOR, lilOU A.NU LOW OOM AND BOARD. ur bu, lcule or lurbuie, all al. BAY. S738B. 347-7-353 It FEATHERSTONllAUGII A THE 3LD-astabllshail firm.

Pstmti secured In all ooua-trtes. Tradesmarka, eopyrlght, rgie-tered. Offices, Ernest K. Csrver, 1013 Rogsrs Vsncouver. and at Washington, C.

luatructlv lilersture tree. Pnoae Say. 8793. rrfira TEACUP OR CRYSTAL READINGS, best cash offer. Bol 830 Sun.

CIST I.N WEST END, LADY UNDER ARM -a bag. brown leather, d.aronal brocade. Re $500 0o Bealos I oiled louportera. Ltd, sy. V66W.

Woodi, 8278 Mala Fair. 2524. Mr. Wi 348-3-350 265-1 Bldg. 24A ward.


Bfiard-reil'lenre. ilnglo and double rmi. eirellnt aerrlce, white help. Sey, H'Z12. Dnug.

20b-tf. ES- MIRLS' APPAREL SHOP SPEt'IAUZES FOR liimpera: miaaea, amall women, 445 Gran DID HONEST PERSON FIND $40 TCI day forenoon, Granville and Nelson, or 101 JAHT COLlJNOWmjI) 2514 4 HTlf AVK. E. For Immedlaie tale at a snaa price houae with three loti and a fine garage; 12 fruit trres In full hearing anl mall fruit, iloiiae rnntslns entrartfe hall, living rofttii, dining ruoin lth mantel and fireplace; kllhn and pantry, 4 hedrtxunt and bath, waih tubi in baiemwu; everything in Hie best of condlilfm. iluit sell, If lntereeied make an offer.

Wrlto nr pi Coll, 22H. Quick action wanul. Vonm ami l(Mtt at Uili. Joyce car to termlnuj and waih bia lotttlt. 1NOUAM BLOW -SPEED PUMP.

2 MJ 100 gsllona minute; complete $150. De-minion Saw Lumpen, Limited, 104 Male btre.L 200-a ROWLAND BRITTAIN 000. 191i ville. Sey. R543.

47 PROPERTY WANTED 1300 blocka, Seymour. Keep 1712L. 0 51 -2-352 BEGISTERED ATTORNEY, PATENTS ANT) trademarks, all coumrl. Boom S. 443 Granvlil.

Sey. 1402. 182-1 Ml. W. CONN VI A HIN1STH WELII1N0.


GOOD uaed bicycisa, $15 to $J0; Cteveiaud mutor-ucle, $50 up. 11ASK1NS ELLIOTT 800 Pender SL Weat. Sey. 204 2 844-30-373 11 'ANTED REVENUE PROPERTY, BT0IIK8 tl or small apartment, about $1)000. Phon IOHT HUNDAV KVENIN0 BETWEKN bar lieiiihts ani Kikaunils.

dark or tint HrtTKL OlKFOSr) 134 Jlohcwn ft. Rpt. 7732-0 A I J- KK.Si I )LNCK ATTHArTIVii HOO.MH, -1 by day, or month. Private and pLitillc bath). IiftiraMo fin car Una, CLKANUNEMS ANO COMKOIiT 285-1 Office.

109 Blrkt re. 15-1 and X-Bay. Sey. 64 40L. GRAHAM ELECTRIC CO.

Fair. 4K12L. 361-2-1 Persian cat. name liuaty." 1885 Kinssway, fcdiaoQfi. l'boua Weuttuinaier 5(1(1.

Reward. itOO--351 WErHtPAlK MOTORS HVSICIANS AND 8UR0E0NS DAVID M. ANGUS, Ml). WOMEN'S AIX-ments tnd dlseAses. 36 yesrs In Pan Uget Building, Seattle, Hours.

10 to t. Telephone Elliott 2263. Fees rsaainavMa ARRY MANY BICII. PARTICULARS LOT, MARPOI.E 18th Ave, W. CASU FOR CHEAP Point Grey.

81 HORNBY STREET ,28 Fenda- West. bay. 8201 free. F. Morrlion, 3053 W.

Woldon SL, A REAL BARGAIN. SITUATED 848-8-850 104 SCN ADS. BRING BESULTS Seattl. Waah. 42-i close to die business section on this coming business ilr-eL House ia 4 1ST AND 43TII AVfcS.

and Vin Htreet or W'pt Itoulevard, lad3s goiil wrlit watrJi. llward on rtumlrij to ArniiUge lumber to. 61D1 Wt ll.tule-ard, Kerriiwlale. Kerr. 885.

351-3-3o3 L4LBC.1'B1C WELDINO 2S-HUUR SERVICE Palterua Boiler Work. High. 083. wril rented and fan be had on very lO-INLII RED MASSEY-IIARIII3 BICTCLE, ax dropbar, $25. Pbone Fair.

3451 Y. 350-2-331 (CYCLES. $10 UP. BEPAIRS GUARANTEED. Tammy Bicycle Bepair Shop, 112 Alain St.

Cay. H520. 221-1 48 FARM LANDS WANTED 36A ROOM AND BOARD WANTED Niglit. Illgh. 30II0B.

248-1 rQVH OOIaD Cl'BKl IN A JIKFT IA 1. Grrmh. Chrrvoir. Nerrout anl Internal treated by rlroprmrtlc, diet, barbs, wtetrpathy, light, natur mr. Davis Chambrrs.

615 UaaUllu W. Sey. 4 Ml. easy terma. hl lustre agenla.

ARCHER A STEPHENSON LEGISLATION 11' 410 Bottxr, bey. 8747. Etoulngl, Bay. 8570L. HOISTS.

SAWMILL I. li. Irsctor TRACTORS, logging machinery. dence. bssrlng fruit trees.

Willing pay psrt 850 818-1- ment. 1360 Rlrharda St. Istkr home wa.nted fob backward boy, aged 12. at a partlcuJaR a rid pay-mnt rnrnilrtMl T. W.

Kdwarda, Co-operatlra Training Society, R.R. No, 1, Eburne, B. 862-3 364 cash. Brittab ootumuiUtr praftrred. Bol IIV, Esiuary, Sask.

847-7-353 KM HH MA S8 KVrX. SPBOl ALI ST IN WliLXiLNG AND MiuTAL TtRAUUi tJ treating rheumatism, reducing (uperfluous IOMT, MONDAT M0HNINQ, ABOUT 8 o'clock on wertbiTund 4th Ay, car, larly'i handbag conialnlng watch, 2 pain of ipecterlei, ring and money. Keward. 1'ttone Bny. 875.

Nioholion Ltd. BLfK MACKINAW COAT, JIONEY IN POC-ket. North VanrfMiTer. Reward. MorrJi, e.o.


8178. 851-8-353 8HAUOHNES8Y ADDITION (82nd and Oaler), exceptionally well fleah. Key. 9404. Wvldlng Appiratua.

BlAcksmltk snd Foundry Httf- 60 FARM LANDS. FOR SALE RETURNED MAN WOULD LIKE TO OFT light work for room and board. Roi 3M 1530 Hastings Esat. built new 7-room tenil-bungalow, stucco, on Meal ME. AUCE BATHS.

MASSAGE. 83 pllea. Phon 11 lib. no, Vancouver, B. C.

113-1 31 ABAOE FOR BENT, liutrtilioo 429 Pender Wait. corner. $4 600 P. B- loan. Khowlet Kerr, 807.


850-3-352 paimiat, dlatinirulahed clairvoyant. For ac YOU ARK LOOKING FOR A CLEAN curacy 5e eiceis. Paimlairy, crystal combined rv ARA0E TO RENT. 3172 7T1I WEST. JT 351-3-333 5 GARAGES FOR RENT.

COR. BROADWAY and Larch; 2315 10th W. Bay. 5094L. 348-4-351 BUYS SHLTLAND 1'ONT.

CAIll A.K eomf or table furnlihed suits by week or month, and detailed. 1 only. Pay no more. a.dte To ui, Refter! of Thll Column Wish A MERRY CHRISTMAS ar. 1 3 HAPPY NEW YEAS C.

H. Rogers Farm Langlcy I'ralrle Ftrmt Umit In llila Dltuuil Sine, 1800, 861-2-352 gift. 135 vji hanieaa; splendid Chrlatini no more. Hence th aerret of her poptiiarlty and 29 FOUND 347 7 353 uccon. Regular return formor client which apelis satlafactlon.

Daily until 10 p.m. 439 LWSD BLACK AND 01 KERRISDALE COMFORTABLE 4rAjLvIv semi-modern three-room cousge; plsatered. full baaement, Interior newly decorated; lot fenced a-nd nlg-hiv rulttvaled; abuiylsnce smail fruits; good gsrsge. Small csah payment; ss rent, EDGELOW 4 CO. 812 itlnuald Bank Uldg.

Sey. 14 09 850-2-881 com to the Llgiiiheart tjuiet and homelike with all Modern conveniences; plenty of heat and hot water. Very eentraL. Bee theie ijefore mwinf. 1100 Seymour Street, four hJor-ks aiiuth of Dudaon'i Bay a tor a than Hey.

8UUy, 210-g WHITE ENGLISH Hornby, third door from Fender and Hatting. flHKA yj fi. A aetter Sey. 4276. 110-1 1'hon WMluiUiater 400X2.

852-3-35 1 PERSONAL 28 I ADY, AGED 22, WISHES TO MEET GEN- i May Dedicate Lands for New Park Sites KKItRTSDALE. Point Grey Municipal Council will prormbly tuka advantage of the legislation, passcrl this session by the Provincial Lewislature, to dedicate pr tain tax sale lands as parks. Thess silos were set aside as parks by a former council, but It was subsn-ciuently found that, to be leKRlly dedicated, they liatl to receive th assent of the people. Under the new Ierrlwlatlon th council may, by bylitw, by vote of its whole membr ehlp, dedicate for parks, recreatioB SELL. TRADE, HIRE 110SMES, haimmi, wagons, asddles.

E. Atkinson, 135 kwlar St. L2 tleroah; object marriage. Box 300 Sua. 852-4-355 823-dU-loa f77 ST" iUi- STANIJJY.

C.S.U, palmiet and qucatlona wltli cryaul. not longer aay: "1 cannot master It." A talent Lea In every one. Then know Uiysclr and know the one In the. Hire question by nail, $1.00. Scy.

4KK9 .144 30 WHAT HAVK TOU LtJST! MOXT LfKfc.LT someone has found It, arm aa The Hun geg into 02.U0U homes every day It Is eery Uksij Sun reader has fouiid 1L Sun Ada cost only 10 ffuU a hue a aay. wlufh lnriudee both momlog and evealrag iwivara, I'bona fcky. 40 at Cebew. tf EATON APARTMENTS 8 MINUTES WEST of Poat Office; front corner suite, fully furnished for housekeeping. Private phon nd bath, laundry drying room; vacant now.

Monthly of weakly rate. 1126 Sea too SL Hey. 7500. 852-30-24 H1IKNABY 2 ACRES ALL CLEARED AND fenced, part cui'lvated; fully modem house clone fai car line and acliooL Price $3800 term. W.

ANDERSON 205 Dominion Bank Blda Pbone 8r. 7085 848 8 3S0 POULTRY 66A MOUNT PLEASANT 5 ROOMS, FRENCH doors and flretilare In living room; garage: ner Uien Drive sod KlngaHay. Owner going aooth. Fair. 351) 7-367 FEET HURT? All aliments of the human foot given tnatant relief.

Dr. L. Sherman. Foot Specialist. 650 Rohson St.

Sey. 8719 for appointment. Lady attendant. 285-a ABBOTT AND BBOTT MANSIONS, COR, MK. KLIaA, THK WOMAN WHO VBBt II astlngs West -Furnished two-room aultea, 3P 75 UIOK WHITE LEGHORNS I irmpecUon Invitod.

lllgu. Ollill harlea. 851-2-352 knows." riainoyant, I'altnlat 31 SURREY- 40 Al Hm. 12 ACRES CLEARED nd and creak, mllf HOTELS disappearing beds. yrespectsble.

By week or month; 404 AbbotL bey. 17V1. 28-g d1f CASH AND $40 MONTHLY IN-'Ti eluding, firivs 6-rnom modern Kerrtsdale bungalow: price $4350. Snap. Sey.

8700. Ev.nliiita, Bay. 831. 34K-7 KIRNS, BUNIONS, INGROWN NAILS, 'scientifically treated. T.

A. W. Andrew, 712 Rohtcri. Graduate National Hospital, London, England. Sey, 2410.

KS-l HOTEL, OPPOSITE C.P.H, 11'HI'TE LEGHORN HEN'S, LAT1NU, fiom school. Price w. K. Anderson, 206 Dominion HaiU ifldg. Phona Srv.

70K6. 318-3-350 VLMEH Strict 1 Strictly ios. Hlitn. modem (radio insuiletl). Special vv each; eating apples, $1.2 tnd CryvaL (ronnult the liesti.

Biisineaet, lo.e or trouble. lteadmus daily, 1.00, 1 to 0. Will attend privute hcniM-i, cluhn, ba-saait, etc Hey. 0211. HeslUence 751 Seiwur, opt), flrchull.

4Ul'KSX10NS answered by mail 1 1.00 852-1-852 grounds, rchool sites or other pub 342H. ROYAL ALEXANDRA APARTMENTS COM-pletely furnlahed; private path snd phone; cleanest and heat ret in city. Weekly and monthly rale. Doug. 4.

1US0 But, St. 272-1 ENGLISH PSYCHIC, I'ALM- MME. YOI NO lit. Buatneti tnefi. ILE.

winter rste. 306 BEilttNTHlTEL GRANVILLE AC NELr son St. Attractive winter rates. Sey. 2230.

841 30-870 family, etc 41 Haatings K. 137 2ND 347-T-853 (CHICKENS FOR Norlh Vancouver. TIMBER 61A 274-1 LOGS WANTEU VA.NCOIJVEB II II A )ULLETS WANTED REASONABLE PRICE. Harry Stevens, felO Granville. Sey.

1087. 882-80-861 Shingle Mills Ltd. AUfcTIN HOTEL SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. EXPERT MASSEUSE, electricity. 1130 Standard Bank Bldg.

Sey. TO IS 35 l-i Poone High. 1077. 838-30-367 lic purpose, land" that have r. verteid to the municipality at tu ales.

The parks and plans commute has recommended to the council to take this course, and It is expected that this will come before the council for consideration at its next meeting, Tuesday night. WEEK UP SPECIAL WINTTB KITSILANO 8 -ROOM SUITE, SELF tvttk; 2230 Cornwall 8L Phon Bay. 8286U 847-7-853 1 BURNISHED HOUSEKEEPINO SUITE. BET. 6147T.

850-7-866 $4.50 ares; permanent rate, residential J. S. GLADWIN, M.D. BOYCHOFT PRIVATE HOSPITAL ylll JElttIS STREET H01 Sleclal Treatment for Dlveaied Tonsils, lleiuorrhoid and Female Disorder. Trained Nuries in attendance, office telephone Hey.

8000. Rcaldenre telephone 8981. 804X 1221 OranTllla 327-30-856 63 DUSINE8S OPPORTUNITIES FOXES ILVER BLACK FOXES FOB SALE ONE OB 8 -ROOM HOUSEKBrjPINO SUITE. First floor. 1158 Kobson SL 1420L, 861-1-861 HOTEL DUFFEHIN, 00 SEYMOUR elsan sajlubl, rooms, $4 and up.

Special rat gives month ID advance, J. McCranor, Prop. 834-80-868 10OKI CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCOS, smalt gtaeeriet, futures; In the heart of Ui pair of proven breeders, touu, or one ptr city. Ixiw rent; $U6Q for (lolik sal. Enquire OA-0 DUNDA8 FULLY MODERN, 1 one if you want a good proposition.

Flack Invest of pups, $700. Government registered stock. Wall furred snd prolifte. Immediate delivery. Apply Boi 248, Mdlein Hat, All.

847-6-351 MADAME DELLA ICEUT), MAGNETIC m-ia-afie, etc. Bath strictly private and comfortable Cloee Ilotel Vancouver, 803 Rb. APLE HOTEL, 177 HASTINflS SPE- awVcJaw and 4-rooa suit, from $12 menu. 311 North West Bldg. Sey.

000. AU rial $4 846-g High. 3236L. J. O.

f'tulls. Prop. 232-30-861 THE MASTER KEY TO SUCCESS HEALTH AaD HAPPINESS IS WITHIN TOTJR REACH If you are lick and dtopoDdagvi. If you lack courage and dexliloa. If you ire anxious about your Jgw.

if you hesitate to meet li you fear for your health. If aicoey ireuhlto esribadow feaY Ufa, Toy will learu how to ercooM that eaodlllss geickly sad welly br reading Prof. J. A Af Band wonoerrul Bewk at iMlnMlt). to ann 1U weight Is trOld tf feu.

Mall 91 to th But Dept. Vaawauvcff Biw. 133 mdm Bt TaneeuTeT. B-sf (upsiairs). Key.

ntH.itt. (upsiairs). hey. iitH.1 KINGSWAT IJ.JOO New w-roora burigr.low, larg llvintf-room with fireplace, kltetaon, breakfast nook, 1 badroome, bath and toilet, concrete basem*nt. Hout act back 60 ft.

on lartc lot. A solid buncaiow built by day labor. High location near NaDalmo St. Kay terma WEST POINT GREY $2.860 Buys a beautiful new stucco bungalow. Loving, room 22 leet long with noplace, on bedroom, kitchen, bath ana toilet, full base-menL If you are looking fur something artlutlo, aee this, lb term, are very easy.

CANADIAN FINANCIER TRUST COMPANY tl HASTINGS STKKET W. Seymour 6860 L. Martin, Mgr. 851-1-351 TiotWIUSrSlTEprNG, CENTBAL; slot Dittcrs. Good revenue.

Rent 830, Sua ATTIC 1 ABGE COMFORTABLE 8 -ROOM ton JllLLIAN It. 8242 CWeljet Ourbec 67 DOOS. CATS SND RABBITS 0 OP- fETHOPOI-B HOTEL, 830 ABBOTT, 32 uit. larg, bousekeepinx room. West End, Street, Phon Fir.

etnBtfoTfahte, Door 2N50L 846-7-862 $860. ROUGH A.NI SMOOTH IRISH All prattte Woodvrsrd'a Bright, modem room; reasonable ratee. 254X tH38. 2U9X MUTUAL REALTY 607 Richard 360-3-85 Terrier aupe, 0 weeks' eld, a ttaody carlat-gaw gilt. Make, (IS; female, $10.

Apply Or aa vt 11 Mat Woea. 323 Oranvllle COBALT HOTEU 17 MAIN ST. ftO- BRIGHT, WELL HEATED RU1TK, Including gat, phone, light. Sey. 7D40L.

1481 Howe. 851-8-868 Boys Not Favored I To Do Housework PARKSVILIJS, Dec. nuntt bcr of ruldent, from th surround' ing Jlsfrlcti attended eloping xei. of th Superior School. A pro.

gramma of afsejaroheg wit mriiif Bppreoiattid, th feature of th event belna; a French eong br the Hlsrh School classes. A debate on whether boys should 4o houset work was decided In the Bjgllvs after some very srood argumenta bad been advanced by Jeaale Qlesw dar. Betty Wilson and C. Gooti. )R1VATE tTERNlTY HOME BEFORE AND fter conlini 'nelil: adoption if Ueauwi.

11127 Seattle. Wash. 270X WEEK IP PRIVATE BATHS; LIQHT- $.3 brruseiteetilng roorni; rlevstor. Cars psav Bay. 4044.

i'sJJ 1ROCERY, CONFECTIONER! DANDY 3 bualneea. trppcalt, lira, aroool. Good stock loor. Key. 47840.

21X BOOMS. $30 848-T-364 7U KEEFEB FOUB month. lBENCH BULL PUPS 3 MONTHS OLD, ADVICE 233X JtNGI.ISH EGYPTIAN PALMIST Jon all affair. 447 Hornby St. nd fixtures, 3 living rooms.

Snsp $700. TORK1BK BATHS, 744 HA-f toga For rlmisoatltaa. himhrien. enld etc ftay. 2070.

349-70-20 JT tiwrsajhWt Salt. 4768L. 62 Broad-way B. 360-8-a5 IIHELMATISM, NEURITIS, LUMBAGO, SCI MUTUAL RKAI.TI 607 Bluards 850-8-8iI REGENT HOTEL. 162 HASTOCIS EAST.

Winter rate, $6 ub. Print, bath. Mid mites, elevitor, pbone, hot and cold nniilns water. 348 30-18 NEWLY DB0-fsoUern. 1818 850-T-866 MORTON A PAltTMLENT 8, ersted, 28 roonlhOi Morton Av.t Engllah Bay.

blond nreasure. Hit Murray, rvart ir -l at ate nurae, 700 Georgia, otipotlt Hotel VarK-cjri-er. Sey. 8141. 3iX A EAT MARKET FOR BALK FL'LLT IHINCHILLA a.

Nil OTHER FUB-BBAB1JIO nrletl with redigren. for sal. Writ, fay IsaM. sUhhltry, 3630 sUaisrtwwy. Teat Ma, 11 ear.

110S CWORGIA W. MCKI.T FUll-nlshed housekewntng suite; elMn, eont -'1 MuloootL Boi 397. Bsj afflsw. 'HI BOl'OmST, MAHHAOE. ELECT BOLT HI i aulphtir vapor, cabinet bathi.

nloaral taw bathe, far eelda, rtteuDetlini, lumbago. Beaten. grertoate. Boom 100. lifer Haiel.

oapeeito C. P. B. MT. $7-0-k HOTEL STIRLING 3 JSLOCKI OFF C.P.B., SBldera, $3.50 syert up.

284 Cunbte. 8741 (tl-T-387 ATHS, MASSAGE, ELECTRIC SWEATS, 15 fortshle, steaa heat, flrepUc. S4T-tV859 406 Boldra 15 Hatllngs Ban, w-l i 1 1 s-' 5e )''siwi'..

The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)


Where is Vancouver Sun located? ›

Vancouver Sun
Seriously Westcoast
Founded12 February 1912
Headquarters400-2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C., V5M 4X7
5 more rows

Can you see the northern lights from Vancouver British Columbia? ›

Living near Vancouver, you have a great opportunity to witness the spectacular Aurora Borealis up close. The vibrant lights often illuminate the heavens just a short drive from the city. All you need is a little patience and know-how.

What is the main newspaper in Vancouver? ›

Major newspapers

Vancouver has two major English-language daily newspapers, The Vancouver Sun (a broadsheet) and The Province (a tabloid). Both are published by Postmedia Network.

Does The Vancouver Sun deliver? ›

Online + Daily Home Delivery

Tuesday to Saturday newspaper delivery, including B.C. politics, National Post, Financial Post, Opinion, You and Sports. Vancouver Sun ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.

How many people do the Vancouver Sun Run? ›

Founded by former Canadian Olympians, Diane and Doug Clement along with Doctor Jack Taunton, the run has grown from only a few hundred participants to as many as 50,000. The Vancouver Sun Run is the largest 10K in Canada and a beloved Vancouver tradition.

Where does the Vancouver Sun Run start? ›

Canada's largest 10k road race

Run through a beautiful scenic course that highlights Vancouver 's downtown core starting at Burrard and Georgia heading North to Denman street.

Where in Canada are you guaranteed to see the Northern Lights? ›

Regions such as Yukon, Northwest Territories, and parts of Manitoba and Alberta are particularly well-suited for aurora viewing — some are under the auroral oval, a recognized region of increased activity around the earth's poles.

What is the best place to see the Northern Lights? ›

What are the best places to see the Northern Lights?
  1. Tromso, Norway. Based in the heart of the aurora zone in the Norwegian Arctic, the city is widely regarded as one of the world's best places to see the Northern Lights. ...
  2. Swedish Lapland. ...
  3. Reykjavik, Iceland. ...
  4. Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland. ...
  5. Ilulissat, Greenland. ...
  6. Svalbard, Norway.
Mar 31, 2024

What time should I be able to see the Northern Lights? ›

Historically, the best time to see the lights is between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. You'll also want to get away from light pollution from cities and find dark places.

What is the most respected newspaper in Canada? ›

The Globe and Mail, daily newspaper published in Toronto, the most prestigious and influential news journal in Canada.

What is the popular news station in Canada? ›

Canadian Broadcasting Network (CBC) (

Known for its comprehensive and balanced reporting, the CBC is the crown jewel among the top news channels in Canada.

What is Canada's oldest newspaper? ›

On 23 March 1752, the history of printing began in Canada. On that Monday, from a small print shop on Grafton Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia, John Bushell sold copies of the Halifax Gazette — Canada's first newspaper.

How many days a year does Vancouver get sun? ›

Vancouver experiences an average of 290 days a year with measurable sunshine, most of it in spring and summer. During winter, days are short, with the sun setting around 4:30 p.m.

How do I call the Vancouver Sun? ›

Any subscription billing or payment inquiries must be brought to the attention of the Vancouver Sun by contacting us at 1-800-663-2662 within 90 days of the charge date to be eligible for investigation and / or possible refund or credit.

Does the sun have a website? ›

News, sport, celebrities and gossip. The Sun.

What direction is the sun in Vancouver? ›

Today's Sun Position in Vancouver
Time:4:05 am
Phase:Astronomical Twilight

Who is the parent company of the Vancouver Sun? ›

Postmedia Digital, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.

Where is the sun daily located? ›

Level 4, Lot 6, Jalan 51/217 , Petaling Jaya, Malaysia 46050.

Where is the Sun newspaper based? ›

The Sun, The Irish Sun and The Scottish Sun are owned by News Group Newspapers Limited (registered number 679215), being a wholly-owned subsidiary of News Corp UK & Ireland Limited (registered number 81701) whose registered offices are located at 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.